Chapter 54: The Call of Power

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Remember this one? ^^^ I literally made it 2 years and 8 months ago, and now finally the scene is here. Only further proves that patience is the key to everything.

"Now, where were we?"

Obi Wan reached out his hand, offering it to me. Without even a second of contemplation I took it, relishing in the feeling of the coarse skin of his fingers enveloping mine. I felt a connection deep within me responding to the touch, as if awakening from a deep slumber. Warmth spread through my arms as he pulled me up alongside him, his gaze fastened to mine all the while.

His eyes spoke a thousand words, from are you okay? to I love you, and I'm so very glad you're here. They darted over my body, noticing the dirt covering me and the soft bruises blooming on both my throat and wrists before they connected with mine again. I only had to nod and smile at him for the tension to leave his shoulders, and his gaze to dart towards our enemy.

"Kenobi." The sith drawled slowly. "Good of you to join us." Maul's eyes had settled on Obi Wan's figure, inspecting his body, his stance. Trying to assess his weaknesses, no doubt, trying to find one he could exploit. "Trying to save your damsel, I take it?" When his gaze went to mine and a smirk started to play around his lips, I knew he'd found it.

I wasn't going to accept it, no, I was going to show him how very wrong he actually was. "Obi, the Aether!" My vision went red as I charged straight towards the sith, my fingers clenched tightly around lightbringer's hilt as I lifted it for the assault.

Maul quickly settled into a defensive stance, deflecting my first attack with ease and already preparing for another, swinging his double bladed lightsaber the other way around as his whole body turned with the motion, putting the full force of his body weight into the attack. I was just in time to catch the other side before it could've cleaved me in two. Our sabres flared as they pushed against each other, golden against red, our eyes meeting in between the sparks.

"I'll make you regret humiliating me." I hissed, my voice barely overpowering the buzzing of our lightsabers. My vigour overpowered the tearing feeling of his poison running through me, the saber in my grip making the drag a little bit less.

"Doctor, doctor." He grinned widely. "Have you learned nothing?" His eyes stayed connected to mine, but when he saw a figure in the corner of his vision darting for the red light his attention was quickly snatched away.

But my goal had already been reached. Obi Wan's hands closed tightly around the Aether, snatching it from the floor. At the first touch of his fingers the red flared brightly, almost angrily, and pulsed. "Obi?!" Both Maul's and mine' hold on our sabres weakened as our attention darted his way, just in time to see the blast coming and prepare for it. The power seared through the room and threw all of us backwards.

I had managed to lodge myself on my two feet and shielded my eyes from the brightness with my arm, only lowering it when the energy had dissipated. As my vision recovered, I spotted the Aether laying between us and Obi, who was thrown against the wall. He was dazed, his hand massaging his temple as he tried to stand back up, eyeing the artifact with more resentment than before.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Maul reaching out to the Aether again, fingers outstretched and the air thrumming with the force he used. It bounced and then quickly shot our way and out of Obi's reach. "Watch out!" He yelled in warning as he pushed himself off the floor and after the object.

Without thinking I jumped towards the sith, ploughing my armoured elbow into his nose. He stumbled back with a pained groan, hand flying up to stop the blood that now flowed down his face. I pushed him further backwards with a subsequent kick, out of the range of the Aether's trajectory, and snatched the artifact from the air as it neared.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now