Chapter 30: Reunited

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^^^ a drawing I never finished and didn't really like but I haven't posted any art in a while so here ya goooo

"So, get this; -" My feet dangled off the examination bed as Elide worked on a cut on my upper arm, a holopad in my other hand as I read the entry to occupy my raging mind and ignored the sting of the needle she was working with. Cloths sated with my blood lay in a bucket mere inches from my left foot, bandages around the wounds on my legs. I was almost completely covered with them. Had it not been for my protests, my head would've been wrapped in bandages too.

And I would've been stabbed multiple times with a sedative if I hadn't outright refused them. Instead, I remained calmy seated as she sutured all the wounds closed and only flinched every so often, much to her frustration. "Apparently, the king had his own personal doctor falsify the reports of his scans, only so that nobody would find out he didn't have the genetic tumour his supposed father had."

Scoffing, I lowered the datapad and glanced at Elide, her brows pulled into a permanent frown as I studied her. "They didn't stop to realize that the Republic would propose to perform an operation, by me."

"No, because they would've been crazy to do so." She sneered and glared at me before she resumed with the stitch she was working on. Her cheeks were reddened with frustration, eyes narrowed with concentration. "Running off to fight pirates, pff."

Chuckling, I diverted my eyes back to the datapad as I lifted a brow. "I was trained when I was younger, you know." Feeling her inject another needle, I merely sniffed before turning my attention back to the text. Somehow, my strength was returning at a remarkable speed. Already I could feel the fire crackling in my veins far stronger than for the past few weeks. The magic had sped up the process of healing, too.

"Yes, but you're a doctor now, not some trained mercenary." Elide grumbled. "We need you whole to perform our surgeries."

"You've still got Cassian." I referenced the other surgeon that worked here, a man that had tried to flirt with me multiple times already. We'd even hanged out a couple of times till late in the evening but nothing ever really came out of it. It wasn't that he was bad looking, he just... wasn't a certain male I was still pining for.

"Yes, we do." Elide surged upright when she was done and swatted my shoulder in frustration.

"Hey!" I protested and quickly glanced at her.

"But that doesn't mean you get to do reckless things." My widened eyes stared at her as she glared, deep brown eyes boring into mine. "You leave the fighting to the jedi, okay?!" With the needle pointing my way, she waited for an answer as her eyes almost spit fire, a single blond lock hanging before her eyes.

I chuckled softly. If only she knew who she was talking to. Somehow, I got the idea she wouldn't behave differently, anyway. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good." She sighed in relief, putting her hands on her hips as she surveyed her work. "Now I've still got about 6 wounds left. Maker, how are you even reading right now?"

My mouth pulled into a smirk. "I've survived worse." I'd survived literal death, but she didn't need to know that.

"You survived me." At the sound of his voice, I quickly glanced up, spotting him in the corner of the room as he lifted his hand as a sign of greeting. Arthas. I couldn't help the smile that suddenly graced my lips as I scanned that black hair hanging before his brown eyes, that playful smirk that I hadn't seen for weeks.

"Hi, little dragon." He greeted. I hated to admit it but gods, I'd missed him. My eyes lit up as I smiled, almost lifting my own hand in greeting when I noticed the assistant still working on me.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now