Chapter 14: Visions of the future

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The sky was coloured a dark orange, the setting sun casting eery shadows over the burning buildings, tall dark clouds hanging over the city as smoke arose. Ashes flew through the air like terrifying snow, covering the blood-stained streets in a grey veil.

It was completely silent aside from the sound of fire, a silence that made a chill run up every bone in my body. It should've been filled with screams, with the sound of battle, but all I could hear was the cracking of the heat as it licked the homes of my people. "I shouldn't be here." Whispers fell of my lips as an icy cold settled in my stomach.

"Beware the darkness of power." The same voice echoed through my head as I stood there, determined, narrowed eyes looking at my surroundings. "Beware the stalker of dreams." My heart was thumping and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I struggled to focus. My vision stuttered every few seconds, glitching like some hologram.

"Beware the corrupted once trusted." My eyes went down, focussing on the bodies littered on the floor and the blood that formed a dark puddle everywhere the eye could see. I bowed down next to the closest body, trying to see his face, yet finding it distorted, as if someone had tried to erase it. "Beware one who is not who he seems."

Sighing, I looked up at the sky, expecting to see that dark figure flying over. Ashes landed on my cheeks and stuck to my eyelashes, creating a cloudy image of the view above. "Are you sure about this?!" I yelled, standing back up on my feet and trying to make my way over the street.

"Try to concentrate." Obi Wan's voice echoed through the dream, making me roll my eyes and fold my arms before my chest. "Find something, anything, that might tell us what is going on."

"You concentrate." I sighed, walking further up the steps leading to the palace. With every step blood splashed from beneath my boots, making a sickening sound that made goosebumps appear all over my body.

I felt myself drifting closer to despair, as I normally did, yet tried to hang onto that sliver of light that kept me in focus. There was a ghost of a touch lingering on both my shoulders, a slight hint of warmth that I used to fight the icy cold. They are right here with me. I told myself, trying to collect the last remainder of my courage.

"Crimson eyes shall awaken, -" That same shadow flew over me, making me glance up at the sky, following the foggy outlines of its figure. Yet, I still couldn't see what it was, for it was a mere dark shadow passing over before the sun shone right into my eyes again.

"Are you seeing this?" Quickening my pace, I tried to keep up with it, following it towards the castle. "Royal blood shall be spilled;" Ashes flew all around me, sticking to my armor, waving through my hair till I was almost completely covered with grey. I had to raise my hand before my eyes, lest I be completely blinded.

"Follow it, you must. Find out what it is, we will." I huffed in protest but followed his commands all the same. There was limited time to solve this puzzle before the final flash came, the moment where I always awoke. I wasn't ready to dive back into this nightmare to answer their questions again. I had to get it right the first time.

"Streets stained in ashen paint, " I opened the doors to the throne room with a loud bang, eyes darting around the hall before they landed on two figures on the other side. The throne was empty but it was the image before it that made my heart stop beating. "When thousand innocents are killed."

"No." Stepping back, eyes widened, my legs trembled as I saw the image. It was like my mind short circuited. I turned my head away, closed my eyes and balled my fists, nails digging into my skin. "Get me out of here, now!"

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now