Chapter 47: One more Miracle

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Waiting. It had always been the most difficult part of the job. That was saying something, if you held into account everything a Valkyrie's duties included. Fighting, running, dragging wounded people out of battle while under continues fire. Those tasks were all strenuous, I admit, but at least then you were actively doing something. It occupied your mind and focussed you on the task at hand with no room for any doubts or hesitations.

The waiting part, that was when hopelessness had the time to set in. And that hopelessness, that was far more frightening than all that fighting combined.

At least when I was on my mission in the hospital I was on high alert. I'd escaped with but a few scratches and bruises after having encountered multiple mandalorian soldiers and even Maul himself, thanks to the dark magic Arthas had engulfed me with. The shadows had hidden me every step of the way and when they couldn't, they attacked those who spotted me. I hadn't even needed to lift a single finger.

Fighting had never been the goal of that mission. Instead, the only goal I had on my mind were the supplies I needed to retrieve.

It never even occurred to me to stay and finally end Maul when I had the advantage, when I had Arthas fully backing me up. Because back in that crooked cottage he lay and he didn't have much time left. Every second I spent away could be the second in which his heart gave out.

I returned before dawn with bags full of supplies. Thanks to the shadows hiding me I'd gotten rid of any pursuers, and instead directed them into another direction entirely. The moment I arrived I'd practically dumped everything on the table and went to him instantly, checking his vital functions before quickly attaching him to the monitors I'd brought with me.

He was alive, thank the gods, but barely.

"C'mon, Obi." I mumbled as I got an IV access and administered the broadest spectrum antibiotics I had found together with the bag of blood. My eyes flew to the screen of the monitor, noting his elevated heartbeat and temperature, lowered blood pressure and the fastened breathing. He wasn't doing well. In fact, he'd gone into a septic shock.

"Stay with me." I whimpered as I then proceeded to the surgery part of the procedure.

My hands were shaking as I pulled on the gloves. "Ly, -" Obi Wan groaned and barely managed to move his fingers. "Lyanna."

"Hey, I'm here." I darted for him, kneeling so I was at his eye level. He couldn't even find the strength to open his eyes. Instead, only soft grunts managed to fall off his lips. "I'm all right." Whispering, I gently traced the lines of his face. "I'm going to put you to sleep for a little while, okay?" A single tear ran down my cheek. "All you have to do is wake back up."

"Lyanna." He merely mumbled.

"Do that for me." I gently pressed a kiss to his heated forehead, closing my eyes and letting the remaining tears glide down my face. "Please."

He remained silent when I slowly drew back and forced my emotions behind iron bars. I administered the sedative that would put him in a deep slumber, heart tearing as I did so. I didn't want him to feel any pain, not even if it meant I wouldn't be able to hear his voice ever again. There was a chance he wouldn't wake back up and I knew it.

The procedure that followed was long and tedious. It had me glancing to the monitor every ten seconds, closely watching his vitals to make sure he wasn't going to plummet during everything.

I wasn't ready to reanimate him once again. Luckily, I didn't need to, and after 2 long hours I was seated in the chair next to his bed, my head resting on my arms that were leaning on the soft sheets I'd brought with me.

My fingertips were placed against his pulse point, monitoring his heartbeat even though the monitor was doing the exact same thing. I just... I needed to be sure. Even though I'd given him almost 5 health stims, his body was still in a dangerous condition. Those stims sped up the process of healing, 5 being more than enough to do that but even then I wasn't sure he'd survive.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now