Chapter 11: Jedi Training

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"Keep your arm up, feathers, otherwise they will chop your head straight off." Anakin chuckled shortly, circling around me with a trainee sword grasped tightly in his hands. With a huff I did as I was told, my biceps screaming in protest as I did so.

Ahsoka watched from a distance, being a little too amused by the display before her. Her eyes darted between the datapad before her and towards us as we battled together, landing hard blows every so often from both sides. I was sure there were already bruises forming all over my body.

After the session with Obi Wan the lessons in meditation continued relentlessly for two days, until they finally decided that I had learned enough. I was still incapable of performing it perfectly or to lift objects like they did, but in the end becoming a jedi wasn't what I was there for. Those visions, that voice had gone to the background and that was enough for now.

Instead of locking myself up in my own thoughts I would have to show my abilities physically. And by that, they meant by fighting. I was going through the usual jedi training, much like their padawans and younglings, only the usual years it took were cramped into but a few weeks.

"Good thing I won't be fighting sith lords, then." I countered, swirling the stick they had given me beside me. Fighting wasn't something I needed training in, in my opinion. I had been trained back on Valeria in the art. Still, they weren't exactly happy with my skills, for they deemed it too 'primitive' and 'unbalanced'. Apparently, the whole style was based on strength and anger, which was exactly what the jedi tried to avoid in their own.

"Maybe." Anakin smiled, halting in his tracks and lifting his weapon before his face, narrowing his eyes. My muscles were already aching at the thought of him attacking again. "But you'll have to show the masters that you can control your emotions, even when fighting."

"I don't have anything to prove to them." Snarling, I stepped forwards daringly, landing a strike right at his side. Anakin had seen it coming from miles away, blocking the attack easily and swirling his own blade around mine. In one swift move he knocked the weapon out of my hand and threw it a few feet away, the far end of his own placed right against my throat afterwards.

Smugly, Anakin raised his eyebrow. "I'm tired." I narrowed my eyes in response, pushing him away and walking towards the dummy sword, picking it up from the ground while letting out a deep sigh. "You try being hunted, locked up by people who distrust you and have a sith lord rummaging around in your head while you do so."

"Huh." With one flip of his head, he threw his dark hair away from his face and widened his grin. "I think you're forgetting something, feathers." Anakin lifted one eyebrow, smirking. From the corner of my vision, I could see Ahsoka glance up from her datapad, puzzled by her master's tone. She diverted her gaze away from him and towards me when he spoke again and winked. "Or rather, someone."

"Careful, Skywalker." I growled. "There's no water around and your tunic looks a bit... flammable."

At that he laughed again, drawing his fingers through his hair and walking away from me. "All right, I'll give you a break." Anakin yelled over his shoulder, placing his sword back in the weapon racks against the wall.

"Maybe you can convince the council to do the same?" As I let myself relax a bit, feeling the tension leave my shoulders, the door to the training room opened with a hiss, revealing the man I hadn't seen for days.

"Do what, exactly?" His auburn hair was neatly styled, his blue eyes again twinkling with a certain mischief I couldn't quite place. The corner of his lips was pulled upward when he saw the display in front of him.

"Obi Wan! We were just talking about you." Anakin clapped excitedly, earning only an eyeroll from his master and a deep sigh as he walked towards him.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now