Chapter 34: Undercover

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"Would you like to go to a ball with me?"

Her first instinct was to break his nose again. For that, she'd have had to throw away her tea which he had so kindly provided. Those few extra seconds she spend contemplating that her eyes scanned his and found them a little too convincing. So convincing in fact, that her entire stance changed.

How could she deny him with those ocean eyes looking at her so pleadingly?

Before she knew it she was in a carriage riding through the forest on a bumpy road, heading for the mansion of their soon to be host. They were cramped inside a small carriage, one that was meant to not stand out too much among the exquisite crowd they would soon be joining. Their legs were rubbing against each other as they sat on opposite sides, both of them desperately trying to avoid eye contact as the vehicle rattled and shook.

"So..." Lyanna glanced towards the jedi in front of her, eyes darting towards the beard that was now reduced to groomed stubbles. Even his hair was styled out of his face neatly, making the urge to run her hand through it even worse than normally.

What unnerved her the most was the fact that he wasn't even wearing his jedi tunic but had instead donned a black suit that showed his broad frame too evidently. A simple black cape embroidered with golden threads hung from his shoulders, lighting up his golden hair. The same threading was woven through his suit to match her own dress. But she didn't wonder at those delicate patterns, no, she could only look at how well it showed his muscles. She swallowed the quiet whimper that had almost dared to escape and quickly diverted her eyes towards her lap.

Focus, Lyanna, focus. "So, who will I be seducing this evening?" The Valerian clenched her jaw as she fiddled with her fingers.

Obi Wan's eyes snapped to hers instantly, brows furrowed. "I beg your pardon?"

"It's why you needed me, isn't it?" She dared to meet his gaze and saw him stiffen as a result. It was the exact same reaction she got from him when she appeared in the threshold before they left.

First his eyes had raked over her face, to the way her hair was woven into a crown on the top of her head with golden feathers entangled in it, to her thick cole-lined eyes and the golden flakes that crusted her cheekbones. Then his eyes lingered on her bright red painted lips before he urged them away.

But he couldn't help his stare as he looked at her dress nor the way his mouth dropped open. A dark red dress that was cut deep, one that glowed with golden and orange hues when she moved, reinforced with golden metal plating fashioned into feathers that covered her chest. He couldn't help looking at her body especially, the places where that damned dress seemed to hug her even more tightly, revealed the skin underneath or the split that ran up way too high on both her thighs and showed her long legs. Even those damned thin straps that hung on her shoulder, with a thin golden fabric that waved behind her as she walked, like fire stalking behind her.

She was a living flame, fire incarnate, and she was about to burn him to a crisp.

"I mean, otherwise you would've brought Anakin or one of your female jedi friends." Her voice called him back from his daydreaming, those fierce eyes looking at him intently. "You know they can't do it, with them being celibate and such, so you needed me; the unhinged queen." She rolled her eyes, sitting back against the cushions as she snapped. "Because I'm the only one degraded enough."

His mouth straightened into a thin line as he stared right back, knowing she'd purposely used his own words against him. "I brought you because you know how to behave like a queen. You know how formal events work and you know your way around politics." At that her eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise. "At least, you did." The jedi bit back as he crossed his arms.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now