Chapter 56: The Right Choice

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The hour of dusk was upon the city of Eagle's fall. The enormous buildings were cast in the orange and red hues of the setting sun, the mists of the waterfall showing brilliant colours and covering the streets with a cloudy veil. Clamour arose from them while the people continued celebrating their queen's return, fires spurting in the grand braziers on every corner and lightening the places the sun couldn't reach.

Even as the sun set, the fire of the phoenix burned in every part of the city for the first time in months. The queen herself, however, was nowhere to be found. She'd partaken in the festivities during the day, basking in the company of the people she had missed so dearly. Nearing the end of the day, however, a creeping sense came closer with every breath she took. An aching feeling she could no longer ignore.

Obi Wan had busied himself with informing the council of the events of that morning and had spent the bigger portion of the day organising his return to the war. Even though he resented the council for not giving them any additional aid when he needed it, he couldn't hold them accountable when thousands were still in danger out there. They had sticked to their jedi ideals while partly oblivious to the danger Maul could've caused had Lyanna not stopped him.

The next morning Anakin would be there to pick the master up and return him to the next warfront. It wasn't something he looked forward to. Instead, he let himself get lost in the feast, in the stories the people were so eager to tell him. The bigger portion of them revolved around their lost queen and told stories about her youth that he himself hadn't even heard. They told about her escapades when she had just become princess, but also about her heroic deeds during her first few battles as the Valkyrie.

Obi Wan was glad that in a way, he could still learn more about the Valerian. When the jedi discovered that he couldn't find her amidst the crowds anymore, he went to look for her. In fact, he didn't have to search much, knowing where he would find her from the beginning. He merely had to follow the string that attached them, follow the tug at his heart through the ancient streets.

He smiled as he crossed the threshold to the balcony of the palace, finding her form huddled against the balustrade, facing the entirety of the city and the fields beyond. The light of the sun bathed her in the warm colours, making her skin seem almost alight. The rays seemed to hug her form, as if welcoming her home.

The soft white dress she wore was embroidered with golden patterns that almost seemed to light up as the thin fabric wove in the wind. Even though she didn't notice it flames danced softly over her limbs, playing in the light they had missed so dearly. Now that the poison had run its course, they were free to come to the surface. She was basically glowing in the last few minutes of sunlight.

Obi Wan took a moment to look at her, to really see through the beautiful facade she put up, for he could sense the darker emotions boiling beneath the surface. True enough, he found that her knuckles had turned white from the way she clenched her fingers around the balustrade. Her shoulders, bare against the tropic wind waving through her hair, were tensed tightly. Her whole body seemed on edge even though she was finally home.

The jedi silently leaned against the threshold, watching her closely. She seemed to be deep in thought and he didn't want to disturb her.

Crimson eyes shall awaken. She closed her eyes, reciting the words that had embedded themselves into her memory, oblivious to the new presence. She'd been recounting the prophecy in her head for hours, trying to figure out its meaning.

There was a storm coming and she needed to be prepared for it. The fate of her kingdom was at stake. There had to be no other reason for her mother to reach out to her, other than the fact that she was still able to do something about it.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now