Chapter 6: Dangers of Politics

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^Early draft for a new piece I'm working on :)

My mind raced as I descended the stairs of the Jedi Temple. My vision was blurred by red hot tears, streaming down my cheeks. If they were because of the wind that blew into my eyes or the frustration and anger that filled me I wasn't sure. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

All I knew was that I felt powerless. In one day all my hopes had been taken from me and crushed right before my eyes like an ant beneath a boot. Not only that, but they had also taken my very own freedom. The moment I stepped outside the temple the sentinels had left me alone but there was no doubt left in my mind that there were still eyes on me everywhere I went.

I could almost hear Windu's scolding voice in my head, Plo Koon's accusing words and Obi-Wan's questioning phrases. I had to get out of there, even if it was just for one night. If I remained for even a minute longer, I was afraid I'd burst and become what they had feared me to be.

"My queen!" His warm voice made me lift my head, meeting his joyful eyes as he clapped his hands together. "Where have you been?! I thought the jedi would never let you go, -" Stefan's smile soon vanished completely when he saw the state of me. His hands dropped at his side, his expression turning worried as he quickly ran towards me, catching me and trying to hold me steady after I practically fell against him.

"Hey, hey, Lyanna." He whispered soothingly as I buried my head in the crook of his neck, taking in a deep breath and biting my lip to keep the cries from escaping. Stefan noticed the shaking of my body, placing his hands on both my shoulders and pushing me back to an arm's length. "What happened?" He wiped away the few tears on my cheek and watched as my expression turned sour.

"Get me out of here, please." I begged. Stefan only nodded, looking behind himself to the transport he had arranged for us.

"Of course, my queen, we'll leave right now." He was already pushing me in the direction of the vehicle when someone held us back.

"Lyanna!" His voice soon made me take in a sharp breath through gritted teeth, my body freezing in place and watching as Stefan lifted his gaze to his approaching figure.

"Lyanna, wait!" I could hear Obi-Wan's hurried footsteps descending the stairs towards us, his hastened breath escaping his lips. His footsteps halted a few feet away, close enough for me to hear his laboured breathing. He tried to catch his breath for a while but my gaze remained on Stefan's face. He wasn't sure what to think, I could see. His eyes darted between him and me, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Commander, it's good to see you." Obi-Wan greeted him even when his breath was still short. "How have you been?"

"Master Kenobi, it's good to see you too." Stefan smiled warmly at him, his hand remaining on my upper arm and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Sadly, I've had some trouble with the communications. I can't seem to reach Valeria from here and Finn has been trying to call me all day." I saw his gaze drop, sadness filling his eyes. A pang of guilt shot through me when I realized he was only here because of me, and that his stay here would only be prolonged. "Anyways, we've got to-"

"If you're trying to reach your husband, I'm sure they'll be more than willing to help you in the temple. Valeria is a long way from here so it's no miracle the connection is flawed." Obi-Wan seemed to have gotten his breath under control. "We can boost the signal from inside."

I could almost picture him straightening his back, folding his arms before his chest underneath his dark brown cloak. That signature inviting smile covering his face, his auburn hair blowing in the wind. Yet, I was still more than reluctant to turn to him for I could already feel the anger boiling up inside of me.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now