Chapter 37: Unlocking the cage

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Couldn't resist drawing that particular scene ^^ Her dress didn't exactly come out as I imagined but OMG look at Obi O.O

"Blast it." Obi Wan cursed as the engine groaned and sputtered, the last signs of life fading from the machine as it came to a halt in the middle of an abandoned road in the forest. He slapped the body of the hoverbike, trying to get it back to work but it seemed every last bit of fuel had been drained during the chase.

I chuckled softly against his back, unwrapping my arms from around his torso and smoothly swinging my legs over the seat. Meanwhile he continued to tinker with the vehicle, curses falling from his lips. Planting my feet on the ground, I breathed the scent of the forest in deeply and sighed contently.

We had gotten away. It hadn't been easy, firing over his shoulders in that somewhat uncomfortable position, but within half an hour the last of our pursuers had disappeared somewhere in the bushes after being hit by a well-aimed shot from dear old me. I'd swung back to the seat behind him after, not being able to face him any longer than was necessary without doing something stupid.

I could steel feel the thrill heightening my senses as I stood there, smoothing out my dress as I glanced back at Obi Wan while he glared at the machine. "It's not going to work." I chuckled softly at the irritated look he gave it. Then, I looked at my back, noting the torn edges of my cape I'd ripped off and thrown at some of the pursuers. They'd gotten tangled in the fabric and fallen to the ground subsequently. Not a complete waste of the dress, but it still brought a pout to my face.

"We've got about an hour of walking left in that direction." Obi Wan sighed as he stepped off the hoverbike and pointed west, right through the middle of the thick of the forest. "And my commlink was shot during the fight, so there'll be no calling for transports." The grumpiness that showed on his features was adorable, especially when he ran his hand through his hair and ruffled it.

"Not to mention, it will be dark and freezing soon." He braced his hands on his sides as he pondered.

"Then we better hurry." I smiled at him before striding off into the forest and off the road, my dress swirling behind me as I faded behind the trees.

"Lyanna, wait!" With hurried steps he caught up to me as I nimbly climbed over roots and stems. "This may not be the best idea!"

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the woods, master jedi."

"No, -" He scoffed from behind me as I heard the leaves rustle in his path. Twigs crunched beneath his feet and his breathing was loud, so loud I was sure any animal in a mile's radius would be scared off. "I only believe we're not wearing the proper attire for a hike."

"Where's your sense of adventure?" As I took another step forward and onto a patch of soft moss, I eyed him with a smirk before I practically toppled backwards. An undignified yelp escaped from my lips as my heel sunk fully into the soft ground. Right before I fell backwards an arm wrapped around my waist and kept me from doing so. I hung back, hands wrapped tightly around his upper arms, back bent as I looked up at him with wide open eyes.

As he was holding me, Obi Wan glanced down at the 6-inch heels I was wearing and lifted an amused eyebrow. "As I was saying, -"

"I beat Dryden hand to hand wearing this."

The smile on his face grew as he glanced down at me. "I was only, -"

"And escaped that ball room, running full speed while deflecting multiple shots with a lightsaber, I'll have you know." He was full on grinning when he noted the blush covering my cheeks. "I think I can manage walking."

"All right, princess." Obi Wan pulled me up on my own feet and waited till I had gathered my own balance before letting me go entirely.


Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now