Chapter 60: Ragnarok, part 2

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So, there's this AI program that generates images on a simple text / line you give it. Here you have this AI's interpretation of Eagle's Fall. I. Am. In. Love.

Also, big chapter ahead! 12034 words and counting. Make sure you've got the time before you start :) Also, I will not be held accountable for any emotional damage that might occur. Read at your own risk.

A storm was raging over Eagle's fall. Thunderclouds stretched over the entire city, the lightning rumbling through the sky and hitting the ships that passed through the cover of the clouds and dared to near the city. The countless Republic cruisers were trapped high in the air, their sight obscured. It would've been enough to hold them back almost indefinitely, had it not been for their reckless behaviour and their hunger to tear down the kingdom.

Gunships soared through the sky and bombed the city from above. There, the Valar'jar braved the battle and tore them apart mere minutes after they'd left the safety of their mothership. Still, the tide was turning against the Valerians. They'd held out for 2 days now but it was becoming more and more clear that they couldn't keep this up forever. Hundreds had already given up their lives, their blood covering the former clean streets.

The king of Valeria looked up at the sky from the ground, his hair matted against his face by the rain. The numerous colours that danced in the sky were reflected in his eyes. Bags showed under them but still there was steely determination to be found.
Blood matted his face, his armour, his hair. The golden glow was completely covered with the dark red and started to clot and darken. All around him fire burned inside the homes of his people while they themselves ran for the safety of the palace. He stood amongst them like a pillar of hope and strength as they flooded past.

They'd started the evacuation that morning when the shield had succumbed to the firepower of the Republic. Now, only the soldiers in the sky were keeping the city from being blown to pieces entirely.

"Lyanna, where are you?" Aidan mumbled in frustration. As if on cue, a ship flew over him and dropped another bomb. With a swift and decisive strike and not a moment to spare, Aidan called down a lightning strike upon the missile before it could blow apart an entire building. The blast erupted in the middle of the air, flames curling around nothing. The explosion almost threw him and the people around him over but at least it hadn't been able to do any further damage.

Without another thought he kicked off the ground, his great grey wings carrying him into the air swiftly and after the ship that had slipped past their lines. "Stefan, what's going on out there?" He shouted through his commlink while chasing the ship.

"We're doing our best, my king!" He got a blurted answer, the sounds of blaster fire and ships soaring disrupting the call. Aidan scowled and called down another furious strike that made the very earth tremble with its might. The ship before him split in two, flames curling around the edges as it went down.

"There's too many of them, -" Stefan continued. " - we need reinforcements!"

The king turned around in the air, his wings spread widely on either side of him as they graced the storm. "You and I both know all of Valeria's warriors are here, except for two." He darted upwards, through the clouds, his vision blocked before he emerged above them.

The sight that followed took the air out of his lungs. More cruisers had gathered, so many that they painted the horizon grey. As far as the eye could see, there were Republic ships in sight. He saw the bodies of his soldiers braving the skies between them but even they were no match for the guns mounted upon the hulls. Every now and then he saw one of them tumbling to the ground, their wings motionless by their sides. Every time he felt the same surge of anger running through him that only further enraged the storm.

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