Chapter 9: First day

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Right after Obi-Wan left my chambers Stefan had hurried in, hair tussled and eyes widened. He had only just heard the news from the troopers outside. After he checked on me, turning me around multiple times to make sure I wasn't wounded, he ran outside and barked orders at the troopers, held a long conversation with Obi-Wan about how he should be protecting me and then continued to guard the chambers through the night.

Even when I asked what message Finn had brought, he refused to talk to me about it. "You have other worries on your mind than the life of a simple warrior, my queen." His eyes were troubled, his movements frantic as he paced. "Now, get some sleep, you will need it for tomorrow."

There was no use fighting him when his mind was already made up. So, I followed his orders, soon finding myself buried beneath the sheets whilst he and Obi Wan guarded my chambers.

Despite the numerous worries that clouded my mind sleep came easily. I hadn't even noticed how tired I had gotten. It was completely dreamless, finally ending the line of torment of nightmares of the last few months. As I awoke I felt temporarily displaced, as if I had woken up somewhere else entirely.

"Stefan?" I yawned loudly, stretching out my limbs as I slowly got out of bed. The sun hadn't risen yet, giving me some time to get ready. There was no response from outside, making me scratch my head in confusion. He was probably doing some perimeter check, I thought, as I made my way to the bathroom.

I stared into the mirror for a while, seeing the bags beneath my eyes, the redness around them that made me look like a complete zombie. My red hair was basically everywhere and my eyes were dull with sleep. "You look terrible." Mumbling softly, I sighed, dragging my fingers through my hair to neaten the mess. I let water fill the tiny cup I had made with my hands and splashed my head under, trying to rid myself of the sleepiness.

Blinking a few times, I looked up at the mirror, only to have my heart stop beating all together. There was a dark figure standing in the corner of the bathroom, looming in the shadows and watching me. In one swift move I turned around, hands raised in defence only to find the spot completely devoid of any presence. "Beware one who is not who he seems." A low whisper sounded.

"What in Thor's name..." Narrowing my eyes, I stepped forward, pulling aside the curtains of the freshener and finding that space empty, too. Was I going mad? I rubbed my knuckles against my temple, trying to wake myself from whatever hallucinations I was experiencing. When my heartbeat had somewhat calmed, I turned back towards the mirror.

Only, I wasn't met with my own reflection. Instead, there were two blazing red eyes glaring down at me and a sudden grip around my throat, strong hands lifting me from the ground. My feet dangled and swayed, toes trying to reach the surface as I gagged and gasped for air, my hands slapping the arms that were holding me up.

"Crimson eyes shall awaken," Arthas growled, holding me as he walked forwards till my back touched the wall, only to lift me further in the air. "Royal blood shall be spilled," His voice was distorted as he spoke, his eyebrows knotting together. Yet, it was not anger I saw in his red eyes. There was fear, unspeakable fear that made his eyes go wide and tears appear in his eyes.

"Arthas, please." I managed to croak out. He tightened his grip as a response, stepping even closer as mists whirled around him. Suddenly, we weren't standing in my apartment anymore. No, we were in Eagle's Fall again, the dark figure flying over us. "No, not again." I cried and tried harder to wriggle my way out of his grasp.

"Streets stained in crimson paint," He unwrapped his dark wings from behind his back, towering over everything like a giant. The setting sun bathed his skin in yellow light, the flaming orb reflecting in his brown eyes. "When thousand innocents are, -" Suddenly, his mouth opened, a silent scream escaping his throat as that same blinding light suddenly flashed through our vision.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now