Chapter 43: The Fall

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"May I?"

Obi Wan's eyes widened, confusion and hesitation flickering through them. His lightsaber lowered by his side unconsciously as the sun bathed his skin in warm colours. Behind him the sith temple stood, the dark stones contrasting against the light of his tunic and the warm hues of the sky. Dawn was breaking, and it set the sky alight with colours.

The jedi was trembling with dread, his mind fogged by fear. All he could see were the flashes of the past. How Satine stood beside Maul and was killed right before his eyes before he could even have the chance to intervene. He'd watched, unable to do anything else but hold her tightly against him as she passed.

I couldn't let it get to me, no, I couldn't even wait another second for his permission before the sith could prepare himself, no matter how much I wanted to soothe his fear.

"What, -" Maul snickered behind me, oblivious of what was about to come his way.

It was enough to drive me over the edge. In one burst my wings sprouted from my back in a blazing glory. Feathers spread as my wings unwrapped, the tips reaching till 6 feet on either side of me, scorching everything in its path. The flames enraged until they encompassed every single inch of those grand wings and became them, casting the cliffside in its searing light.

Maul was sent backwards by the force, his entire chest burned by the melting fire as he let out an anguished cry. His lightsaber scorched the flesh of my neck as he was flung away, making me hiss out in pain, but the cut wasn't deep enough to hit anything major. I didn't give him even a moment to react before swinging those wings down, lifting myself in the air and carrying the mandalorians holding my limbs with me.

Flames scattered over the ground in a wave, scorching the ground and starting a growing fire that engulfed everyone in its radius. The mandalorians yelled and pulled against the restraints holding me as they were carried away by the current, banging against each other underneath me and loosening their grip, falling straight into the pit of fire. They were unconscious even before they hit the ground.

All the others had to shield themselves from the flames, activating their shields or staggering backwards and putting their hands up against the light before they were blinded.

I didn't give them even a moment to recover. With another great swing of my wings, I brought myself back to the ground, letting my fist pound the surface and thus creating a massive wave of fire that erupted around me. For a moment all I could see was that fire, illuminating everything around me, whirling like a wreaking chaos and expanding exponentially. Blue and red waved together as the ground scorched.

The cliffside groaned and cracked as if howling in pain but I didn't take the time to see what damage I had caused to it. Instead, I quickly charged towards the closest Mandalorian I could see and disarmed him with a few practiced moves, pointing his blaster at his fellow soldiers while I knocked him out with a kick straight to the head. My vision was red with bloodlust and I wasn't about to deny it the satisfaction.

And thus, the fighting started. The other Mandalorians had either recovered or were lying on the ground, groaning, their hands reaching towards their scorched flesh. Some had activated their jetpacks and were now soaring through the air and away from the heat, firing at either me or the jedi. I hadn't spotted the sith amidst the smoke yet but I could hear his frustrated growling through the groaning of his men.

"Lyanna!" A light figure made his way towards me through the smoke and fire, his lightsaber slashing through anyone who came near. He didn't seem bothered by the flames, and they bowed away from him the moment he came near. Obi Wan reached my side, continuing to deflect the shots that came our way while I sent wave after wave of flames towards our opponents.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now