Chapter 3: The jedi temple

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"Your majesty, are you sure you're all right?" Padmé hurried to keep up with my pace, her dress swirling behind her as she glanced aside worriedly.

"Please, it's Lyanna." The last comment the Chancellor made, made my head spin with worry. It made me realize that I had indeed come to a place of which I didn't know much of, a place where danger lurked around every corner.

I had made a rash decision coming here so quickly. Obviously, I hadn't even begun to understand what was at stake the moment I decided to come aboard the ship that brought me here. No, the only incentive I had needed was the possibility to see him. Now, 4 hours after my arrival, I hadn't even heard a word from him and was already drowning in other problems.

Gods, how I already missed the green pastures of Valeria. The rash but open people that lived there, the safety of the palace, the constant company of my brother. All this time I had longed to venture into the galaxy whilst I already had everything I could want, without seeing it.

"I'm sorry, Padmé." Slowing my footsteps, I finally met her eyes. "It's just... It's been a long day. I'm not sure if I'm the right person to do this. I'm a warrior, not a politician."

The senator grasped my shoulders suddenly, pulling me to a stop as her worried, brown eyes met mine. "Lyanna, please, you don't have to do this alone. I can help you."

I chuckled lightly, glancing down at my hands as warmth spread through my body. "Thank you, senator, but I'm afraid I can't exactly count your opinion as 'unbiased'."

"Feathers!" An all too familiar voice suddenly disrupted our conversation. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped while Padmé only snickered softly after rolling her eyes, her head turning in his direction.

Following suit, my eyes quickly flew over the dark material of his jedi tunic, his messy mid-length hair and the bright emerald eyes that shone with mischief. Anakin. A smile immediately formed on my lips; my heart lifted when fond memories returned to mind. "Anakin!" I exclaimed, running towards him and quickly wrapping my arms around his torso before he could protest.

"Oh, hey!" He chuckled in surprise; arms raised as he stumbled back slightly. His fingers graced the skin of my shoulder as he gently pushed me away, his gaze meeting mine soon after. Of course, he wouldn't return the hug, him being a jedi and all. I didn't mind in the slightest for he was the first person I recognized and trusted on this planet.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you." I lowered my voice the moment I realized everyone was looking at us.

"That's not something I hear very often." He ran his hand through his hair, grin appearing. "It's good to see you too, your majesty." Anakin smiled back, gently patting my shoulder. "I hope the Chancellor wasn't too hard on you."

"You have no idea." The nerves almost seemed to lift off my shoulders in his presence. Maybe it was his playful demeanour or the confidence with which he handled himself that sparked something identical within me. His reassuring smile as he looked down on me warmed my heart but it completely melted when he glanced to the senator beside me.

He had told me during our time on Valeria that he had fallen in love with a senator. Now, I had no doubt left which one it was. "Senator Amidala." Anakin said lovingly as he bowed before her. "I'm here to take queen Fireheart off your most capable hands."

"Thank you, general." Padme accepted Anakin's hand and watched as he took it to his lips to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Although I don't mind her company in the least. But I'm afraid I have other matters to attend to." She turned back towards me. "Your majesty, if I can be of any help to you, please, call me directly."

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now