Chapter 12: Distractions

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A somewhat simpler, but one of the more adorable pieces ^^ :)) Also, mature content ahead! I'll post another warning later. 

The tune of a Valerian lullaby filled the chamber as I hummed softly, flipping through pages, surrounded by books and scribble-filled papers lying on the bed. My slightly damp hair hung loosely over my shoulders, orange and red colours blinding my vision every now and then before I waved it back behind my ears.

The cool air of the city flowed through the window, over the sheets and ruffling the papers, creating the most calming music and drawing the fresh scent of lilac from my hair. Lying comfortably on my belly I continued to read peacefully, the soft silk of my blue evening dress covering just enough to be decent for whatever jedi would guard me this evening. In case it was someone other than Obi, I had put on a warm bathrobe that was so soft I felt like I was covered by clouds.

I took notes every so often when I found something that could prove helpful, trying to distract myself from the nerves that formed in my stomach. The rumble of Stefan foraging through the closet distracted me, making me lift my head to see what he was doing. I could only see his back and hear frustrated groans every so often as he searched for his transponder.

When the door to my chambers opened, my gaze quickly darted to the new arrival, smile appearing when I spotted his auburn hair and joy-filled eyes. I perged myself up on my elbows and waited for him to come near, broad smile plastered on my face and a red tint decorating my cheeks. "Obi Wan! I was hoping to see you."

He looked slightly taken aback by my enthusiasm, blush appearing as he ran his hand through his hair, walking closer slowly. "Your majesty, always good to see you." Obi saw the mess on my bed when he was near, frowning and scoffing at the image. "Might I ask what you're up to?" His tone was scolding, but his eyes betrayed him.

"Well, Master Windu gave up quite easily this afternoon, so instead of training he gave me another objective; write out Valerian history." I motioned towards my endless scribbles and drawings, depicting the most important myths and legends that formed my culture. "Maybe you jedi might learn a few things from this, new things about the force, about the seidr... That is why I came here, after all."

"Hmm." Obi hummed in agreement, picking up one of the hundreds of pages and reading silently. I looked at him as he continued to look through the others, picking up page after page. Yet, as he picked up another he spotted a book he recognized himself. "What about that?" He asked as he glanced back at me.

"Oh, that, -" Darting towards it I quickly stuffed all the corresponding notes between the pages and closed it, throwing the sheets over the cover to keep him from reading the title. I coughed awkwardly as I sat up, fearing he had seen the drawing of the sith holocron on the opened page. "is nothing, just some innocent studying I've been doing."

"That book is from the forbidden section, is it not?" Obi Wan lifted one eyebrow as he crossed his arms before his chest, narrowing his eyes as he stared me down.

"Maybe." I flushed red under his hard gaze. "I promise I will return it!"

He groaned in response, hiding his face in the palm of his hand as he rubbed his temple. "Right at the moment I think you're -"

"Master Kenobi." Stefan returned from the closet, weapons on his belt and armour on, ready to depart. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as previous anger arose in his chest, watching the jedi before us warily and with suspicion. "I trust you're here to guard the queen this night?"

"Yes, commander, I am." Obi unfolded his arms to try and look less defensive, frowning when he sensed the hostility coming from the former gentle friend.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now