Chapter 26: Downfall

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"What exactly will you be offering?"


A shudder went through Obi Wan hours later, still. He'd expected her to do a lot, to give a lot. But this, this he could never have predicted. If he had... he'd have dragged her far from Coruscant before she could even utter a word. To give herself over like that completely she would've been at the end of her options, would've been completely hopeless and defenceless. She'd sold herself to the Republic to save her planet as if she was some priced cattle. She'd deprived herself to become a mere object to right her mistakes.

With that, she'd become what she'd always feared she'd be.

A weapon.

A mere weapon, ready to be used by those in power. Wielded like some common blade by those who had accused her. Luckily, Obi Wan sighed in relief, the jedi would be in charge of her. He'd trust no one else but themselves, not with the power she possessed. At least there was that one plus to being the generals of the Republic's army.

He'd just come back from the council meeting that had been planned directly after the trial. It'd taken hours before they could agree on what to do, and now Obi Wan had the task to deliver the news for Anakin had started on his next mission with Ahsoka. It was almost ironic, he thought, how he was always the one to deliver the news while he himself had caused it.

With reluctance Obi Wan stepped out of the elevator and into the hallway leading to the Valerian's chambers. Just before he could even take a single step towards the door, it swung open abruptly to reveal a red-headed Stefan as he stomped his way out, dragging a single coffer with him.

He slammed the door shut just as fast and stood there, seething, until his eyes glided over to Obi's frozen figure on the other end of the hallway. "I hope you're here to talk some sense into her." Stefan snarled as he dropped his bags and pulled on his coat.

Obi Wan paused for a moment, fazed by the sudden dangerous attitude radiating off the usual gentle man. "Commander, -" A sudden loud bang interrupted his speech and they both turned to look at the closed door, where smoke now trailed through from under.

"Don't bother." Stefan sneered when Obi Wan seemed ready to sprint into the chamber to see what had happened. "She probably just burned some furniture." He finished pulling on his clothes and grasped his coffer, walking towards the elevator with large, furious steps.

"What happened, commander?" The jedi watched as he passed by and didn't spare him a glance.

"She send me off." Stefan hissed as he stopped in his tracks, his back facing his friend. His shoulders were tensed, Obi Wan noticed, and his hands clenched tightly into fists. "Back to Valeria, to "Be with my family"." The Valerian turned towards the jedi, his jaw tensed as his teeth gritted. "Her last order as a queen was to send me away."

Stefan took one, pounding step into his direction. "Me, Kenobi, me, her commander, her only damned friend on this cursed planet who gives two shits about her!" It must've been the one of the first times he heard the warrior raise his voice.

Obi Wan fought to keep the lump from his throat as he diverted his eyes to the ground, unable to look into the furious eyes of his friend for much longer. The guilt was already drowning his heart, anyway. "I'm sorry, Stefan." He dared to look back into his eyes.

"Sorry doesn't quite cover it." The danger in his eyes had Obi Wan shifting nervously. "My entire life I've trained, fought and killed to become the commander of Valeria's greatest King and Queen, betrayed everything I stood for just to help her along the way, only to lose her to a foreign country because of..." Stefan didn't finish his sentence, but the jedi knew what he had intended to say when his eyes trailed up and down his frame.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now