F-FURRY?! [Prolouge]

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The sound of footsteps filled Y/N's ears. Pounding steps filled the empty streets, alerting a few stray cats who only yowled in frenzied protest.  

A gruff voice filled the air "Corintha, Zarkon has been waiting for you". 

The voice growled and seemed to increase in speed. Puffs of exertion left Y/N's lips as the thirteen-year-old struggled to maintain pace. 

Luminous streams of light glowed eerily, groping at darkened shadows and twisting towards the ground. 

Before Y/N knew it, a strangely furry hand clasped around her neck, gasping for air she kicked and struggled as another paw curled around her mouth. Looking up, Y/N could view a strange cat-like man. 

Or a furry, but Y/N wasn't judging. 

His matted violet ears peeked out from the top of his head while a sharp row of canine-like teeth glinted maliciously. "My, my Corintha, you seem to have de-aged significantly". His right eyes was a black dot in a river of gold yellow while his right was a ruby red dot encased in machinery.

"I can't wait to- YOOWW YOU BRAT!!!" 

Y/N had furiously chomped down on the furries palm before sending a flying kick to his face. 

"Oh shut up you oversized plum...Your mom buys you MEGA BLOCKS instead of LEGO!!" 

The strange, catlike beast knew not of lego -nor mega blocks- but was rather offended all the same. With a roar, he gave chase once again, growling in fury at the young girl who had sped off some seconds ago. 

Breathing heavily, Y/N had managed to find an alleyway. Slamming her back against the brick wall, her eyes darted avidly for anymore surprise furry men to come her way. 

"Sendak are you sure Corintha was here?" 

Y/N stiffened at another voice, this one was slightly smug and speaking to this 'Sendak' person as if he were superior. Sendak spoke again "Yes I am sure of it". 

A mocking hum of belief sounded in the air "However, the druids gave you that shiny new toy only a few Vargas ago. And it's still a prototype which is bound to be filled with all sorts of bugs".

A little sweat gathered at Y/N's forehead as she tried to breathe as quietly as she could without gasping for air. Sendak's voice became a little more high pitched "I'm telling you! The machine was designed specifically to detect Corintha-" 

"Shut up. You fool, do you want the entire solar system to hear?" 

The smug voice had hissed at Sendak before reprimanding him severely. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. What about Corintha? What was the thing purple furry was going to say and who on earth was Corintha?

A shaky sigh left Y/N's mouth, her fingernails dug into the maroon wall as she waited for the furry man and smug voice to leave. The two voices argued back and forth for a few minutes before smug voice ended the conversation with a condescending tone. 

"We will have to report back to base that we have no reliable source of information of Corintha's whereabouts. This means my theory is correct and Corintha is not in this section of the universe." 

Furry man huffed. 

Brisk footsteps pounded down the streets, Y/N could faintly hear the two hissing at each other like children. 

Or cats...Cat children?

The young girl blinked in surprise and rubbed her head in confusion and mild shock "Who in the heck were those guys?". The E/C eyed girl shrugged and shook her head in disbelief, she then turned in the other direction and walked down the empty streets. 

" I can't wait to tell Keith". 

I feel so proud of this chapter


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