wIsE Old man teachings

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Hunk was having a lovey-dovey moment under the stars with Shay whilst Y/N was suffering. Ok, so she wasn't suffering BUT she was pretty irritated.

For a couple of minutes, Y/N had noticed a good part of the older Balmerans were shuffling as fast as they could away from her, accompanied with some fear addled whispers. 

It didn't really matter the fact that Y/N had tried to assist the remaining inhabitants out of the shafts. It made no difference that she'd tried to give reassuring smiles. It just wasn't working.

Then, the question popped into the altean's head just as she was thinking in a lesser populated area.

Who really was Corintha?

Did anyone know who she was?

The girl pondered thoughtfully for a couple of moments before striding off to the castle in a quest to look for Coran (the seemingly most insightful Alien so far).

The castle wasn't very easy to locate. Resulting in Y/N getting lost a few times before finally finding the bright-haired man in the wreck room.

"Uh, Coran?" Coran jumped in shock and looked up from the neon-coloured keyboard where he was typing. "Ah, Y/N! What brings you here?"

A frown settled onto the girl's features. Only now had Coran stiffened up at the sound of her voice. It was strange and slightly unsettling that he was uncomfortable around her.

 "Oh yeah. I wanted to ask you a question".

E/C eyes blinked, the female swallowed thickly."Who is Corintha?"

A soft, uneasy silence filled the air as Coran seemed taken aback by the question. The taller man could only stutter as he clearly wasn't ready for such a query.

"I..." Coran hesitated before laying a hand on Y/N's shoulder sympathetically. "In time. You'll learn that there's a certain time for everything".

Something of a humble smile spread across his expression as he said. "And now is just not your time".

Looking confused, Y/N ran a hand through her short/long hair and asked softly. "Why can't it be my time now?".

Coran was also slightly shocked by the change in Y/N's demeanour. The female's aura was usually boisterous, carefree and chaotic.

But now, she just looked pathetically confused and fed up.

The moustached manservant let out a squeak as he snapped out of his wise old man teachings mode. "But now! I- um, I must go to find Allura! Doing all that altean magic must have drained her horribly! I- em! Bye-bye!"

Coran sped off, briefly clipping shoulders with Keith (who was bewildered at the vivid flash of orange).

"Was that Coran?" Keith looked down the hall to see Coran skidding down paths as if his life depended on it.

"Oh, Keith. That was Coran. I just needed to ask him some questions about Corintha". The name was said a little more gently than the rest of the sentence.

Slumping onto the couch, Y/N let out a short breath. "So. uh Why were you looking for me. Shouldn't the Balmerans be throwing you some fancy parade or shit?"

Keith clicked his tongue and let out a low chuckle. "That. Was all Lance's idea. And besides, you're more important than a fancy parade".

Though the statement was said so casually it made Y/N shift in her seat as butterflies began to flare up in her stomach.

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