'I'll follow you, stay or go'

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Kinda edited but I make no promises that there won't be mistakes. 

"So...You think your knife has something to do with the blade?"

Keith ran a hand through his hair before clutching the knife.

White fabric spilt in his hands, revealing the purple emblem - which strangely mirrored that of the Blade of Marmora's. A low sigh of exasperation left his lips.

"I guess? I mean, it looked like it so I just thought that maybe..." The paladin trailed off, his brows furrowing into a deeper frown of uncertainty.

E/C eyes blinked, "No, I think you could be onto something".

Currently sprawled on the floor, Y/N turned onto her stomach and stared at Keith's face to listen intently.

After the death of Ulaz, the paladins and retreated to their respective rooms (bar Shiro who was still puzzled and Allura who was working with Coran).

Now, the two resided in Keith's room with the two spread out on the floor together.

"Maybe, it has something to do with my mom?"

Keith stiffened visibly stiffened at his own sentence whilst Y/N was at a loss for words. The topic of parents was a rare subject between the two (for obvious reasons), so on the rare occasion they were mentioned there was always a considerable amount of thought behind the words.

"You've been thinking about this". Y/N spoke quietly, gaze lowering to the ground.

Keith nodded quickly "I just thought, since you and Shiro have stuff to do with aliens, maybe I do too".

Y/N nodded slowly, lips pressed in a thin line in thought. "So, what are you going to do next?"

Another moment of thoughtful silence fell.

"I don't know exactly, but I want to find where... Or who this knife is from" Keith spoke, voice soft with reflection.

"So you're gonna leave?" the altean asked, frowning at the possibilities -to which Keith shook his head.

"I'm not just going to leave Voltron, I can't and I won't. But I could?"

"I mean, if you think so then go for it" Y/N replied lightly whilst shrugging.


"Well yeah, if you think that's what you want to do then do it. Besides, I'll follow or stay".

The tension in Keith's shoulders relaxed at Y/N's words, her words were comforting and made him feel at ease.

Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, "literally anywhere is better than on earth. I wouldn't leave you for anything". Her words were calm and said in a half hearted tone, yet there was such compassion underneath the cool facade.

Keith was about to speak when a heavy pounding sounded on the door, it was relentless and frankly annoying.

"Hey, we've been waiting for you guys for like a deca phoeb already!"

The red paladin scowled at the sound of Lance's shrill tone and rolled his eyes to grumble something unintelligible.

Rolling across the floor, Y/N punched in a few numbers before the familiar hiss of the door echoed quietly.

"Oh, hey Y/N!"

"Hi lance" the female replied, standing up to stretch and walk into the hallway, followed closely by Keith.

"Allura's super mad at you so Shiro told me to come get you guys so that she can yell at more or something".

Y/N groaned loudly and slid her hands down her face before following Lance slowly.

                                            *swwosh swkksh time skip*

Allura's voice became clearer as the three neared the control room, her authoritative tone was always so patronising, especially when she was angry.

Y/N strolled into the room, her unbothered aura only seemed to vex the princess further as she frowned deeply.

"As paladins of Voltron, I expect punctuality to be your number one priority if you wish to continue your role within the castle".

Though the comment seemed offhand it was easy to guess who the snide remark was aimed at.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not a paladin" Y/N murmured, low enough for even Allura's sharp ears to miss.

"As I was saying" Allura continued, "The castle has recently picked up unusual spores, with the help of Pidge we've been able to identify what exactly they are".

"So, what are they?" Shiro asked, blinking at Allura's rather dramatic pause.


"It's a distress signal! Can you imagine because I can! A real-life distress signal cloaked so no-one except us would find it! It's genius".

Pidge's wave of excitement only grew as Coran produced the small spore. The green paladin visibly shone with joy at the blue blob.

"Thank you, Pidge". Allura remarked through her teeth "As I was saying, we have identified that the spores are from the remote Planet, Olkarion". 

Hi guys! I'll probably try to update once or twice every two weeks or so (there might be more updates but schools annoying so I'm not sure). 


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