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happy boi ⊙_⊙

Seconds later the five lions were positioned and getting ready to exit the barrier.

"I can give you cover with the castle defences for a while, but you have to form now or we'll all be destroyed!" Hunk frowned "Jeez no pressure". 

A powerful blast shot from the ion cannon, weakening the barrier.  "Listen up, Team Voltron! The only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! This looks bad, but we can do this! Are you with me?" We nodded silently in agreement. 

"I'm nodding is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asked. 


The lions left the barrier, running forward. Only to be immediately greeted with fighter jets. "Let's do this!" there was a silence as no one really knew what to do"Uh, how?" Lance questioned thoughtfully

"Good question". Shiro said, "Does anyone have an idea of how to form Voltron?" Murmurs of 'no' rose in the comms. "I don't see a 'combine into giant robot' button anywhere on my dashboard". Hunk piped up, earning a facepalm from Y/N.

We were bombarded with attacks, bobbing weaving their way through countless jets and lasers. 

 "This is insane! Can't they just ceasefire for one minute so we can figure this out? Is that too much to ask?"

Yes, yes it is Pidge.


Suddenly the yellow lion rammed into the red lion, sending me tumbling to the ground. Holding onto Keith's chair. 


"What the actual fuck?!" 

"So that didn't work. Sorry Keith and Y/N" 

With a huff,  Y/N stomped over beside Keith and seated herself comfortably in his lap once again. Once again Y/N didn't notice the slightly red blush on his cheeks.

 "Quickly, Paladins! Our energy levels are getting low!" Allura yelled.

 "Maybe if we fly in formation, we'll just combine. Take off on my cue. One, two, three, !"The lions began to fly in formation, but nothing happened.

"Here we go!" "W-wait! I feel something!" "Is this the Voltron feeling? I feel like we're being pulled".

"Holy fucking shit, look!" 

"Language Y/N". 

The team looked up to see they were being elevated. They were being pulled by a purple beam and into a galra battle cruiser. 

There were shouts of 'it can't end here and 'no'. Keith sighed "It's been an honour flying with you boys". 

Suddenly Y/N slammed her hands down on the red lion's dashboard "I think the fuck not! You guys are the paladins of Voltron not a group of 6-year-old girl scouts! Why the fuck are you giving up on the first try?!". 

Her altean ears twitched as her eyes sparkled "Now find a way to get the fuck out of here!". 

There was a silence before Shiro spoke.  "Y/N's right! We have to believe in ourselves. We can't give up. We are the universe's only hope. Everyone is relying on us. We can't fail! We won't fail! If we work together, we'll win together!" 

Suddenly there was a bright light (that Y/N guessed was the team forming Voltron or they were all going to die). 

The massive robot-man stood in all it's glory, in a matter of seconds it had already broken free from the massive tractor beam.

 "I can't believe it!"

 "I'm a leg!"

"How are we doing this?"

The robot swung it's fist back and delivered a punch to Sendak's ship, creating an enormous dent in the side. Two giant hands grasped onto the cruiser before full on yeeting it. A boom sounded in the distance. 

The paladins cheered triumphantly at the explosion. Finally, they'd won!

                                                       *Teeny tiny time skip by Vrepit sal's*

 "Good work, Paladins!"Allura beamed at the paladins (before passing Y/N a lightning speed glare). 

 Lance grinned charmingly and pointed two finger guns at the princess."Thanks, pretty lady." "We did it." Shiro proudly said. 

"Heck yeah, we did," Keith spoke as he took off his helmet, smiling softly. Y/N smiled as well, she liked Keith's smile. 

 The black paladin chuckled before voicing everyone's thoughts "How did we do it?" Hunk shrugged "I was just, like, screaming the whole time. Maybe that did it." Lance nodded in agreement "Or Y/N's inspiring pep talk". 

A proud grin spread on Y/N's face "Of course it did, I have an endless amount of wisdom". 

Through all the excitement Shiro noticed the sad look on Pidge's face.

 "We're not going to stop searching until we find your brother and father. Wherever they are, I know they'd be proud of you." Pidge's brown orbs filled with hope.

"We won the battle, but the war has only just begun. I'm afraid will not stop until he gets these Lions." Allura remarked, frowning in deep thought over the matter

 Coran piped up "Good thing you Paladins know what you're doing, because you're going to have to form again and again."

"Totally—Wait, what?" Hunk blinked in surprise. 

 "We barely survived forming this one time!" 

 "And you only had to fight one ship. Wait until you have to fight a whole fleet of them! It's not going to be easy being the Defenders of the Universe" Coran replied, seeming happy with the new title. 

The team's eyes widened at the new name before turning to the lions with determined looks on their faces. 

 "Defenders of the Universe, huh? That's got a nice ring to it."

'Holy Shit that would be an amazing Netflix show' Y/N thought.

I too am a leg, Hunk 


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