Now what?

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Skimmed over like twice so there may be a few minor mistakes. 



Now, a lilac skinned alien stood before them, he had now let down his hood and mask to reveal light skin, a mow-hawk like collum of hair slicked back to reveal pearl white tattoos on his head.

Does Shiro know this alien?

Currently, Allura had the strange galra male slammed against the wall, barking demands at him sharply (he didn't reply but oh well).

"What do we do now?" Y/N whispered to anyone who would hear, slightly intimidated (though she would never say out loud) at the princess's fierce demeanour.

Hunk replied first, visibly shaken." I think we just let Allura do her thing".

A silent agreement rippled between the small group.

"Stop, It's him! This is the galra who set me free!"

The fuck? Did I miss something?!

Ulaz appeared to be rather unbothered in his current situation. Instead, he turned his head to Shiro and uttered slowly. "You've come". 

A pair of cuffs were immediately slapped into Ulaz's wrists before he was roughly handled into the castle lounge.

"I will not have some quiznakking galra soldier on my ship!" Allura loudly exclaimed, arms tightly crossed as she glared at Ulaz who was silently seated calmly.

Still unnervingly calm, Ulaz replied, "If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead".

A short chill ran down Y/N's spine, considering how he'd taken down the paladins in such a short space of time, he would have no problem

Allura seemed to be extremely bold (or extremely stupid) as her replies were rather furious and not at all scared of the galra male that could in fact kill her and everybody else.

"Are your Galra threats supposed to win my trust? I'm not trying to win your trust. I'm trying to win a war. And, because of Shiro, we are closer than we've ever been. Our gamble on you paid off better than we could have ever imagined."

What gamble?

Y/N's confusion doubled over talk of co-ordinates, the fact that Shiro knew him and the blade of Marmora (however, no one really knew who they were)

"The base is hidden. Now that I know it is Shiro that has come, you are welcome to our outpost. It lies dead ahead."

Pidge frowned "Behind all the xanthorium clusters?"

Ulaz answered as if it was obvious "No. Right in front of it, in a hidden pocket of space-time."

There were gaps of surprise, the princess spoke into her earring to Coram to ask if he was hearing everything.

Through the speakers, Coran spoke in astonishment, there was indeed proof of some kind of hidden base.

Ulaz nodded "Just fly straight for the centre of the xanthorium cluster. You will see."

Not moved nor convinced, Allura snapped back, heavily irritated "You think you're going to get me to destroy our ship just because you say so?"

Shiro, clearly against the idea snapped back "We came out here to find some answers. Are we going to turn back now?"

After some back and forth debate (and Allura's begrudging agreement)


Oh, shit

In around the space of 2 hours, team Voltron had managed to arrive at the foot of the blade of marmoras Headquarters (whatever that was), entered a space calzone time pocket thing and started a battle with a strange ro-beast that Zarkon had presumably sent (of course he did).

Now, out of the beast's mouth spewed a bright purple beam that seemed to overpower even Voltron's shield.

However, out of all the things that paladins hadn't anticipated, Ulaz flying pointedly into the machine's mouth was the least anticipated out of the many, many options.

"Ulaz opened up the space pocket from inside! It's falling in on itself!" Pidge yelled, voice almost trembling with excitement.

It wasn't long before the ro-beast (that oddly resembled someone but Y/N just couldn't put her finger on it) began to shake wildly before completely exploding in a sporadic burst of bright purple sparks.

"He did it!"

However, a sinking feeling pooled in Y/N's stomach.

Oh, oh no.

That fact seemed to sink in as the paladins fell silent, their excitement died out in a few seconds in favour of quiet stupefaction.

Shiro blinked in disbelief, "He's gone."

Ulaz was gone.

A solemn silence passed over the group whilst their lions drifted despondently to the castle. It only took a couple of seconds before the group had dismounted, still in shock from the recent events.

Ulaz had died.

It was baffling, He'd died so suddenly, so quickly that she still couldn't wrap her head around the harrowing concept.

A chill ran down her spine whilst the bitter reality settled uncomfortably. Honestly, it was rather chilling how far Ulaz had gone for the paladins he barely even knew.

Ulaz was admirable, hot-headed and rather mysterious, but admirable all the same.

I've been gone for like a month. Well done me. 


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