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"Guys, this is a serious mission, we need to focus".

Lance mocked Keith's serious disposition "we need to focus" pulling a childish face and folding his arms in annoyance. 

Their chatter was interrupted as the castle ship was now showing two gargantuan black holes and an even large bright blue star shone brightly in the middle. 

"Is that a black hole?!" Hunk gaped openly at the sight, which was truly unexpected. 

Coran shook his head "No, no, no, no It's two black holes and a giant blue star."

This only caused the yellow paladin to pale and spiral "That's not better"

Pidge snorted and spouted a science fact that Y/N hardly listened to. Hunk frowned and related it to a burrito that was frozen in the middle. 

"Now I'm hungry for lunch!" Lance moaned, which was kind of the last straw for Keith. 

"Guys, quiet!". The red paladin yelled, shocking the group at the outburst. Y/N even jumped and stared in shock.

 Keith seemed unbothered at the stares and grumbled. "Where's the base located?"

The Castle screen zoomed in on the headquarters, hidden between the black holes and the star. It was impressive yet eerie to see how easily they could just, die.

 "In between those three deadly celestial objects. Coran beamed.

Pidge stared in approval, impressed at the positioning. "The perfect defensive position."

Allura folded her arms and scowled "Or the perfect trap."

As usual, Lance agreed with the princess "Yeah, I'm with Allura. Maybe we shouldn't, like, go in there at all?"

This did not go down well with Keith in the slightest, his frown deepened to an icy glare as he hollered at them once again "What are you talking about? We have to go in! This is the whole reason we came out here! There is no other option!"

Lance waved his hands at Keith to pipe down, annoyed at what seemed to be an unprovoked outburst. "Okay. Jeez. Calm down."

A beep from the computer attracted everyone's attention. On it, words in what was assumed to be galran were visible.

 "Identify yourself."

 "Open a hailing frequency, Coran." The machine beeped  "We are the paladins of Voltron, sent here by Ulaz."

The Galra inscription changed rapidly to be read by the monitor  "three may enter. Come unarmed."

Both the characters and frequency disappeared 

 "Why would they insist we come unarmed? , this doesn't feel right." Allura folded her arms tightly.

"We've come too far to turn back now."

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