'No, me! I'm the big strong man!'

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This is gonna be on the longer side, probably 2 thousand words. This is edited but there may be mistakes.

"Why are there so many trees," Y/N remarked, peering out from the red lion's eye/window, true to her word, there were a plethora of leafy green trees, pushes as well as various assortments of strange vegetation and grass.

"Why would tech wizards live in trees? That doesn't make any sense cause that blocks the wifi. Or are they too advanced for wifi and signal in general?"

"Maybe they just like trees" Keith replied

In reply, Y/N rolled her eyes "you have zero imagination sometimes".

Keith looked back to scowl "I have plenty of imagination! You're just too...too".

A brow raised snarkily, "Too attractive, spectacular, breathtaking, intelligent?".

It was almost as if the taunting phrase forced the answer quicker.

"No, you're just too stupid".

A dramatized gasp filled the air, "I am not! I got into the garrison didn't I? I'm like the smartest person in the world".

"You have to count in your fingers to add single-digit numbers".

"...Shut the fuck up, don't turn this into a me thing, this is about you and your lack of imagination". Y/N argued back, folding her arms tightly.

"Well- Are those arrows?!"

"I can't believe you're trying the change the subject just because I'm right". A smug grin played at the girl's lips before she too caught a glimpse of the entourage of brown tipped arrows coming their way.

"Oh, so you weren't lying".

"Of course I wasn't, dumbass".


A peppy voice broke up the childish chatter within seconds, drawing the attention of the quarrelling two.

"Sorry to cut your lovers quarrel short but I'm pretty sure my lion's being dragged to the ground"

This was true, the paladins began to share a similar experience.

Keith glared at wherever he thought Lance would be and yelled at the blue paladin "What? We were not having a lovers quarrel!"

"Geez, I can feel your emo-ness from here".

"That's not even a thing!"

Thankfully, Shiro interjected before another argument would spiral out of control.

"Alright that's enough. Now is not the time to be arguing".

"Yeah Keith"

"Y/N, Lance. Not another word".

As much as the pair wanted to interrupt they felt that the chilling stare burning into them was rather threatening; so instead a stiff and slightly mocking 'Yes officer' left their lips.

"Are you kidding me, we got taken down by a bunch of tree people!" Lance spluttered, around them was a crowd of wooden mech suits surrounding the lions.

Though they seemed clunky in build each suit looked brand new and crafted by some kind of genius creator. Blue ring-shaped lights encircled the tinted windows of the pea looking mech suit.

"Shitting fucks, is this one of those movies where we get shrunken to the size of, like, an ant and we have an adventure?" Y/N asked, eyes filled with fear tainted amazement.

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