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The strangle pringle man jumped from the pod at Lance, the Cuban narrowly missed and blinked in surprise at the pointy-eared male with a flamboyant orange moustache and orange hair. 

"Keith, the strange man is t-posing" Y/N hissed. 

Keith stared in surprise before the corners of his mouth twitched up slightly.

"Ha! You're lucky I have a case of the old sleepy chamber knees! Or else I'd grab your head like this and...1,2,3 sleepy time!" 

Y/N laughed softly as pringle man and Lance performed an extremely strange display of 'fighting techniques'. 

A few seconds later Allura gasped "Coran, We've been asleep for 10,000 years!" The H/C haired girl's eyes widened "whoa. Can I sleep for ten thousand years?" The princess ignored Y/N as a small frown appeared on her feature. It developed into a snarl as she spoke. 


Shiro furrowed his eyebrows as if he was recalling a memory "Zarkon?" Allura nodded "The king of the galra. A vile creature and an enemy to all free people. "I remember now. I was his prisoner". 

"But how? He can't be alive...that's impossible". Shiro nodded "I can't explain it but I know he's looking for a superweapon called Voltron". 

"Altea must have been a wonderful place to make all this advanced tech" Shiro mused

Allura sighed"Yes, it was... but now it is gone and we're the last Alteans alive." She started crying (which was sad). And pringle hugged her softly tenderly (which was nice).

All of a sudden blaring sounded in the castle and a holographic screen popped up. Coran frowned and raced over to the controls. 

 "Princess, a galran battleship somehow have a tracker on us!" Allura frowned "How did they find us?!"

"I have no clue... but I bet it's Keith's fault!" Lance barked, scowling at Keith who only glared back. 

"Say whatever you want to make yourself feel better...After getting us stuck on the other side of a wormhole!" 

"I'll stick YOU in a wormhole!" 

'Kinky'. Y/N thought.

The H/C haired girl sighed as they stepped closer to each other, foreheads almost pressing together. And so, she did the only logical thing possible. 

She smacked their heads together. She could have sworn they heard a crack.

They groaned in protest before turning to Y/N. "That hurt!" Lance whined, Keith nodded and rubbed his head whilst Y/N shrugged. 

" It was supposed to". She glared venomously at them. Lance shuddered and stepped back as Keith grumbled a short 'fuck you'. 

"How long before they arrive?" Pidge asked. 

Coran hummed in reply "Well...At their speed? carry the two multiply the five. I'd say a couple days". 

Allura balled her fists "Good, Let them come! By the time they do you five will have reformed Voltron and together we will have destroyed Zarkon's empire!" 

"Wait, Y/N doesn't have a lion?" Keith asked Allura. The princess raised a brow at her before shaking her head "No, unfortunately not...However, Y/N you seem extremely familiar. Have you ever been to Altea?" 

Y/N shook her head and laughed softly "Strange lady, I've never seen you in my life". The princess shrugged and muttered lowly "Besides, you don't even have the markings or ears". 

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