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Without the caps the chapter title seems kinda sad ngl.

Shit sticks.

Y/N groaned internally, the one thing she didn't want to say (yet) had slipped out, now she had to deal with the aftermath.

With a firm glare fixed on Allura, Y/N nodded and laughed internally at the flabbergasted looks on the paladins (well, all except Keith).

"You still probably won't believe me" the altean produced the small bag to produce the cube in her left hand.

She left out the crystal so Allura wouldn't take it from her.

"So, before you start bitching about how I could be lying and shit I'm not but I'll tell you guys anyway about the cube".


Uncomfortably, Y/N shifted her weight from foot to foot, waiting for some form of answer or confirmation that they weren't going to chain her up and accuse her of being Corintha.

"Sure, right guys?" Keith helpfully interjected (a moment in time that Y/N would be forever grateful for).

Although rather confused, hums and unintelligible words sounded (though Allura continued to sceptically glance at Y/N).

A thankful smile curled onto Y/N's lips as she began her tale.

"So, the cube is actually Corintha. I'm pretty sure she's dead and her consciousness is inside the cube -which is fucking weird but oh well-."

Time paused for half a second before Pidge excitedly uttered "So technically, this is the same thing King Alfor was!"

Y/N nodded "I guess".

An almost hopeful expression dawned on Shiro's features "That means we could get some valuable information on Zarkon and the galra empire".

At the mention of defeating Zarkon, the tense atmosphere dissipated calmly. Surely, such a great idea would have no downfalls.

"Sorry, hate to ruin the moment guys, but isn't it possible that Zarkon wants to control the castle and try to use Corintha to kill us?" Hunk interjected cautiously, reminding everyone of the ordeal.

"Then we can search tracking devices and stuff so we're sure we won't die". Y/N cooly replied, the corners of her mouth rising slightly as the paladins nodded in agreement.

"Wait!" Allura chimed, fists balled "We cannot allow ourselves to be swayed by such a flawed idea! If we do check for tracking devices and such what if we are wrong, what will we do then?"

All at once, an uncomfortable tension fell onto the group. Once again, a silence greeted the paladins.

"Since apparently, I'm the one trying to betray you guys and shit I'll leave Voltron if Corintha really is on Zarkons side or whatever".

Slightly more satisfied (but by no means completely) Allura relaxed ever so slightly to scowl coldly at Y/N.

"Fine. But I want that device to stay in the control room, I don't know what you'll possibly try and do with it".

"Uh, Ok?"

The altean rolled her eyes at Allura before yawning audibly and stretching tiredly. Shiro noticed and filled the chilling silence.

"Okay, team. Tomorrow I want everybody up bright and early".

A resounding groan.

"...So we can start tracking Corintha for bugs".

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