Y/N is surrounded by nutjobs

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                                                                                      Author's POV

The six stared at the seeming endless wasteland of various rocks and golden sand. "Ok, I admit this is super freaky" Lance gawked at the rocks. Everyone nodded in agreement, this, was super freaky.

"I'm getting a reading" Hunk perked up and began to walk towards a large cave, they walked inside only to see the strange markings. "What are these?" Shiro asked, amazed at the intricate carvings in the cave.

Lance's fingers brushed against the carving, fascinated at the detailed markings.

Suddenly the pictures lit up with blue light, startling everyone. "Never done that before". Keith commented as the faint light grew brighter, almost blinding. They all yelled out in surprise. 

What was going on?

                                                                                  Y/N's POV

All of a sudden beneath us the ground gave way. We all screamed in surprise as we plummeted to our deaths.

Wait I landed on something short, and squishy. Oh, I landed on Keith. His chest to be more exact.

"Y/N get off me!" Keith snapped. I only smirked playfully "Why should I?" A pout appeared on his face as he shoved me off. I landed in the water with a splash. "Hey!"

                                                             Author's POV

The Lance's gasp of amazement caught the attention of Keith and Y/N. "They are everywhere". Pidge adjusted her glasses to look up at the massive blue lion that loomed over them it's yellow eyes gleaming almost smugly.

"Is this it? Is this the Voltron?"

Shiro nodded absentmindedly "I think so". Keith began to walk towards, the team trailing behind him. "It looks like there's a forcefield". Y/N rolled her eyes playfully "no duh".

Lance walked in a zigzag path, his ocean blue eyes fixed straight ahead. "Does anybody feel like it's staring at them?" Shiro passed an almost worried expression Lance's way "Uh...no". The Cuban paid no heed to the reply and murmured "yep they're following me".

Y/N started to think she was surrounded by nutjobs.

Keith approached the lion, his fingertips grazing the blue forcefield, which made no reaction by the way. "I wonder how we get through this" He murmured his cold violet eyes fixed on the shield.

Lance swaggered up to the neon shield, smirking pridefully. "Maybe you just have to knock". The night haired teen glared at Lance "That's a stupid idea". Lance knocked anyway... And the forcefield opened.

"Hey Y/N. knock knock"

Keith's eye twitched furiously, Y/N held him back from lunging at Lance.

Suddenly there was a flash of white light. The 5 saw Voltron in all it's glory, holding a blazing sword.

But what about Y/N?  

A strangle purple mist clouded her vision as a strange whisper filled her ears. 

"Corinthia's blood" 

She jumped back as the mist cleared. "Was that the Voltron?" Hunk breathlessly remarked, blinking his eyes as he didn't believe what he had just witnessed. "Voltron...is a freaking huge robot! And there are other lions!" Pidge exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.  

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