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A soft snore left Y/N's lips. Her eyes were shut as she looked blissfully peaceful. 

Even in the midst of the blaring alarms and Coran screaming down a microphone as if his life depended on it. 

You could say Y/N was a heavy sleeper. 

Pattering footsteps grew louder before the hydraulic hiss her bedroom door sounded faintly in her ears. A hand grabbed at the ankle, waking Y/N up from her comfortable slumber. 

"Keith...fuck off" Y/N mumbled, her eyes were glazed with sluggishness, not at all alarmed the loud alarms. 

"Allura's head is getting chopped off or something" Keith replied, tugging Y/N out of bed and into the hallway.

"Se can get hacked into pieces for all I care. That bitch chocked me". 

After a few seconds, Y/N stood, she yawned loudly before grabbing onto Keith's wrist. "You owe me sleep" She mumbled before jogging next to Keith. 

                                                         *Time skip by Allura's severed head*

"I guess this isn't a real attack?" Shiro asked, staring at Coran and Allura unsevered head (much to Y/N's disappointment).

Allura glared at them all "And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you... Coran?" Coran stared at the stopwatch. 

"75 degrees. Oh wait...This is a meat thermometer". 

"However long it was, it was too long. You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon. Look at you! Only Shiro is in uniform. Keith, Pidge, Hunk, where are your bayards?" Alura raised an eyebrow. 

"And Y/N is sleeping on her feet!" 

The paladins turned to see Y/N. Her face was pressed lightly on Keith's right shoulder, her arms hung limply by her sides. Keith looked unfazed and shrugged lightly. 


The latter jumped before blinking blearily and yawning "S' going on?" Her eyes pried open slowly as she slurred in an almost drunken stupor. 

"This isn't 'm bedroom".

It would be later debated whether or not Y/N had even woken up. 

Allura clicked her tongue in annoyance before frowning once again. "Where is Lance?" Almost on cue, the door whooshed open. 

"Good morning everybody...What's going on?" 

Lance sauntered leisurely into the control centre. In his hand was a steaming blue cup whilst his face was gleaming with some sort of cream; as well as this he was clothed in a navy blue robe with blue lion slippers. 

Y/N had now woken properly, she gaped in surprise at Lance's slippers. 

"What the fuck? I want slippers!" 



Allura silenced the little argument with a glare before clearing her throat.
"Coran and I have been up for hours getting the Castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms, and we decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed".

"The alarms?"

 Hunk frowned in disagreement " Hey! You got to sleep for 10,000 years, man. Monday night, I was on Earth. Now, I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle. But what day is it?"

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