Twat waffle

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However, something was strange about the eyes that stared into Y/N's. They were cold, dead and oddly flickering in some sort of way.


Instantly, the formerly purple eyes snapped into a vermillion hue of malice.

Y/N gasped, her grasp on the slender hand immediately loosening. Unfortunately, thick claws dug into the soft flesh of the female, causing her to let out a small scream.

However, the figure Y/N gazed upon was most definitely not Keith's.

Before her, a shadowy figure possessed gaunt limbs that swayed aimlessly. The silent alien was pitch black whilst long wisps of thick, jet black hair covered its entire body (most likely housing an extremely skinny figure.

The lanky alien took a soulless step forward, eyes rolling back and forth before cocking its head to blink at Y/N.

"The fuck are you?"

Vermillion irises blinked slowly as if they didn't understand Y/N's speech. E/C eyes narrowed in caution as the space around the bloodthirsty hues were creepily pearl white.

Maybe it's friendly?

As if to answer her question, a deafening screech left its mouth, a blood-red tongue lolling from the blackened mouth like some kind of partially sedated animal.

Where the fuck did the tongue come from? There's no mouth!

Already disturbed by the unnerving creature, Y/N stepped back slowly, the monster-thing didn't seem to realise as its unblinking eyes seemed to roam around as if it were searching

This could be like those movies where the T'-rex can't sense really slow movement!

Suddenly, blood-red eyes locked into Y/N's before narrowing to glare mercilessly. In a couple of seconds, the creature blinked twice before leaping into the skylight and landing with a thud in front of Y/N.

Fuck the movies! Now, what to do, what to do...

Y/N glanced around rapidly as the strange thing got on all fours to creep towards her, a hissing leaving its lips.


Y/N fumbled around the small beag in her hands before clumsily bringing out Kevin, it glinted mischievously at the monster as if begging to obtain its quintessence.

The girl stretched her hand out to point the sharper side of the crystal at the monster thing. Almost instantly, Kevin became a little warmer as tiny explosions began to arise in Kevin.

Think about that twat waffles quintessence. It's probably dark and not pretty and horrible and sticky.

Instantaneously, a sharp bolt of quintessence exploded from the monster's chest and began to journey towards Kevin, almost blowing Y/N back at the force it exuded.

Don't break focus. This monster thing is black and disgusting, icky quintessence.

An animalistic yowl escaped the beast as its inky black fur began to thin by the second, Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and missed the creature shrink and stoop over. No matter how hard it tried, more quintessence flowed into the crystal hungrily.

More screeches filled the air, thickening the atmosphere to turn it into a choking tension that caused Y/N's stomach to clench and flip with the rush of energy.


Y/N slowly opened her eyes, the tingling in her fingers intensified slightly from the sheer anxiety that she'd almost been killed.

Her eyes travelled to the floor where the beast lay, it was shrivelled and decrepit; scraps of thin hair were greyed as its hollowed face was an O of shock or 'shit I fucked up.

A simple quietude settled as Y/N stood in shock, her mouth dry with excitement (unlike her fingers which twitched at the thought of her success).

"I should go before that thing wakes up".

However, before the altean could leave, she tripped.


Somehow, Y/N had managed to forget a rather large cyro-pod-like container in front of her. It was silver and strikingly familiar to the sleep pod from which Allura had emerged.

Although she was still surprised, Y/N decided to stay in her fallen position to rewind and figure out what the fuck she just did and how the fuck she did it.

Fuck, fuck, fUck.

A low groan left the female as the silence around her was unbearable. Loneliness chipped away at Y/N as she decided to sit up and fidget with Kevin.

However, Kevin provided no solace as he was no longer the beautiful colour of Keith's eyes. Instead, the crystal was an obscene colour of some sort of swirling dark purple. Y/N frowned as the colours were no longer full of life.No. The crystal was dark as if filled with evil and spite.


The altean glared at the metal pod before brushing her fingers along its sides, marvelling at the dimensions and preservation of the pod.

"What is this?" Y/N murmured, E/C eyes narrowing at the pod and pushing it upright. The female winced at a soft thud from within the large pod, intrigued as to what was inside.

Is it a bomb?

Y/N backed away slightly, staring the container up and down as it almost gleamed in the light.

Oh wait, that fucktard thing is still here.

A low huff left Y/N's lips at the shrivelled back pile of creature heaped just in front of her feet. Y/N frowned unhappily before shuffling away and next to the bomb like container.

A couple of seconds passed before the altean spoke aloud "So then what was that rumbling, I could have sworn I heard one of the lions".

Y/N tapped her chin, knowing that she hadn't mistaken that familiar sound. Y/N bit her lip as she flinched at another rumbling roar, it vibrated the cave whilst rocks of growing sizes.

"Now I fucking know that's not my imagination".

Schools over in almost a month so that means more updates! (probably).


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