Harold the space Hippo

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Anything in this font. Are Y/N's thoughts. 

"This place must handle shipments from all over the Galra Empire," Shiro remarked, staring at a large base like ship hologram. 

"If this is some big airport where shipments come and go, why is it hidden?" Pidge asked. 

So people don't steal their shit?

The black paladin shook his head, at a loss for why this ship was important. "There must be more to this than we're seeing."

 "Then, we'd better go down to take a look. We'll need to enter here: the central control building."

The small team stood there, slackjawed at Allura's statement.

 "I'm going with you. I've travelled through the Galra transportation hubs many times with my father before the war began. I know more about them than any of you"  Allura looked adamant on coming (much to the disapproval of Coran). 

"Princess, I'd rather you stay here". Coran began, worry etched on his weather features. 

Unfortunately, Allura was dead set on going. "I'm a part of this fight against Zarkon as much as anyone. I'm going. Does anyone have a problem with that?"

There was silence. 

"Uh, I do!" 

The paladins turned towards Y/N, who looked rather irritated. Allura's eyes narrowed as the other altean began to speak. "How do I know that you're not gonna hand me off to Zarkon?". 

A cold, cruel atmosphere began to sweep over the castle. "If anything, I should be asking you that question, Y/N". 

I'm about to fuck this bitch up

"Oh. That. Is. It, you motherfucking bitch-ass hoe". 

Just as Y/N was about to sock Allura in the jaw Shiro yanked her back. 

Please note, the only reason why it wasn't Keith was that he wouldn't have minded Y/N knocking some common sense into the Princess. 

"Alright, that is enough". Shiro commanded, passing the two glaring girls a warning glance. "Y/N, punching is in no way the answer. And Allura, you cannot blindly accuse Y/N just because she apparently has a doppelganger!" 

"But Shiro! Can you not understand my concern? At least let Y/N stay in the castle so we're sure she's not plotting something dastardly!" 

I'm plotting to disintegrate your fucking face. 

A dark look swept over Y/N's features, causing Shiro to grip onto the female tighter before she ripped Allura's face off. 

"Y/N, please do not attack the princess. Allura won't say anything else. Allura?" 

The sentence was said through gritted teeth, prompting Allura to turn away sharply as if nothing was said in the first place. 

"Um, Ok. So, that happened". Lance drawled awkwardly, ignoring the 'read the room' glances shot his way. 

A clearly frustrated huff left Y/N's lips. "OK fine, I'll join you or whatever to show you that I'm not gonna kill everyone and shit". 

Princess Allura ran a hand through her hair before the irritated look on her face softened slightly in sub-par relief. "That should be alright". 

Shiro, clearly happy with the compromise, looked to the paladins before commanding 'suit up!' To which they complied. 

Allura gave Y/N a cold stare before flouncing off, a smug smirk on her lips.

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