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This is long.

"Can we go exploring together?"

Y/N looked up from bandaging her hand in the infirmary to see Keith. He was leaning against the door frame of the room, remnants of a smile at his lips.

The altean turned away, her face felt hot, too hot, as she looked at Keith's smile. It was faint, tender, inviting and made Y/N feel all warm and fuzzy (which was weird, honestly).

After taking some seconds to calm herself, Y/N turned round.


Cheering loudly, the female jumped up and joined Keith to walk side by side. In reply, Y/N got a swat on the head from her best friend as he told her to 'shut the fuck up or Allura will hear".

"What did you do?"

Keith frowned to defend himself. "I didn't do anything! I told Shiro I wanted to go and he said yeah. Then Allura started...Malfunctioning?"

Y/N blinked. "That sounds like a question".

"Anyway. The princess was all like 'this planet could have hostile specimens that could be a detriment towards your performance of Voltron or even strange critters that could melt your face off blah blah".

"Wait. Wait. Wait. So you want me to explore with you on a planet with animals that could melt our faces off".

"Well yeah".

"But, In the process, I could piss off Allura?" 


"... Let's fucking go".

"Let's fucking go where?"

The two jumped to see a lanky figure, Lance's lanky figure, in the doorway of the infirmary. "I'm going exploring with Y/N". Keith huffed, folding his arms and glaring at Lance.

"Oh. Well I guess I'll join you guys".

A silence filled the room as Keith gave the taller teen a look. "I thought you couldn't stand me".

"Yeah, I can't stand you". The Cuban then turned to smirk at Y/N. "But it's just not fair that 'ol Mc stabbers gets alone time with you...When you can have someone as handsome as me!"

Keith processed the information slowly, the cogs in his head turning till he realised that Lance wanted to tag along.

"What? No. You can't tag along like some puppy".

The blue paladin puffed his chest out a little and shimmied up to Y/N, eyebrows wiggling suggestively. "So, whaddya say? You, me. The endless stars and stretched of land-Ow!"

Keith shoved Lance away and snapped 'fuck off, stupid bean pole' before turning to Y/N (Who was enjoying the show).

"Jealous?" Lance taunted.

The two glared strongly at each other before stepping towards one another. The H/C haired girl just sighed and pushed them apart.

"Guys, guys. You're both dumb fucks and I appreciate your dipshit-ness equally".


"Ooh. What's going on in here?"

Hunk shuffled into the room, entertained as he watched the two paladins argue childishly. 

Behind him was Pidge, her face was barely visible as it was buried in a small tablet. She looked up and squinted at the scene before grunting out. 

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