'I think it says he's going to die-'

374 17 4

Tbh I can really see this happening

Y/N cocked her head and squinted at the altean print on Lance's sleep pod. 

 "I think it says he's going to die". 


The princess groaned and glowered unhappily "It does not, Y/N. I have told you a few more ticks". 

Keith frowned softly "How much better do you think he's going to get in a few more ticks?" Pidge adjusted his glasses in confusion "And what exactly is a tick?" 

Azure blue eyes blinked "Like a time-slice". Allura replied -which really didn't help-. 

Shiro looked confused as well "What, like a second?" 

Snow white brows furrowed in equal perplexion "What is...this second?" Pidge brought out a small hand-held clock and pushed it towards Allura "This is a second". 

"Do we have a ticker?" The princess asked, smiling in satisfaction once Coran brought out an orange 'ticker'. 

The team huddled around the two clocks and compared times, the observation gradually turned into some form of race. 

"Yes, I think we're winning!" Hunk yelled, pumping his fist in the air. Y/N shook her head "Nope, ticks are faster, see?" "No, no earth seconds are winning". 

Keith folded his arms. "Winning what? The intergalactic time-measuring competition?"

Hunk stared at Keith incredulously along with Y/N as they both nodded and said "Yes". As if it was extremely obvious. 

Unbeknownst to the paladin's Lance stumbled out of the sleep pod and tripped clumsily over to the team. 

"You guys having a clock party?" 

The Cuban slung an arm around Hunk and grinned drowsily. "Aw Lance, you just ruined it... wait-hey!" 

Hunk squeezed Lance in a giant bear hug before getting go happily. 

"What happened?" Lance asked. 

Allura smiled softly. "We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat. Are you able to walk?"

Lance wiggled his eyebrows suggestively "Talking? Eating? Are you asking me out on a date?"

The princess folded her arms and stepped away from Lance, her worry completely evaporating. Y/N rolled her eyes  "He's fine"

  *Time skip* 

"I punched Sendak!" 

Y/N giggled at Keith's exasperation. Lance raised a brow and pointed a green goo filled spoon at the mulleted teen. 

"Yeah, apparently after I emerged from a coma and shot his arm off". 

Keith threw his arms up in the air as he raised his voice in irritation. 

"We had a bonding moment. I cradled you in my arms!" 

"Nope. Don't remember, didn't happen. So, what happened to Sendak?". 

The princess perked up "He's frozen in a cryo-pod. We're keeping him here in the Castle". A little tension grew in the room at the mention of Sendak. "He's too dangerous to be set free". 

At that moment Coran waved a finger Y/N "Oh, Corin- I mean Y/N! You never got to tell us how you know Sendak!" 

Hunk and Lance gawked "You know Sendak?!" 

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