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Shay's eyes enlarged abruptly as soon as she had spotted Y/N "Are you not-" 

Y/N raised hand "Let me stop you right there. I am not Corintha, I have no association with her".

The grey-toned female shuffle away slightly as Y/N continued her conversation with Allura over the communications line. 

"Wait, wait, wait! So you want me to stay with the Balmerans, even though they probably cower in fear at the sight of me?" 

Allura huffed at Y/N defying loudly "Yes, I need some back-up in case the galra try to stop us". 

E/C eyes rolled in slight irritation "Okay fine. But if you pull any shady shit I won't hesitate to fuck you up". 

There was no answer from the princess so Y/N took it as a silent agreement not to pull any 'shady shit'. 

However, what you probably don't know is that Allura was lying. 

She didn't really need Y/N but wanted the girl to be in her sight in case Y/N attempted anything malicious and or life-threatening. 

And as you can probably tell, Allura's plan was not completely fool-proof. 

"I don't like this. What if the Balmerans attack Y/N". Keith protested, fully aware of the fact that Allura certainly wouldn't do anything to benefit Y/N. 

"I'm more concerned it's the other way round but if they do try to she'll be able to defend herself". 


"Paladins" Shiro suddenly spoke- up, catching the attention of the small team "We don't have the luxury of arguing right now. Y/N, I guess Allura has a plan in mind so just trust her okay?" 

"I guess...But if she tries anything shady she may or may not accidentally find a hole in her head". 

The black paladin smirked "It won't resort to that but fine". 

Keith passed Y/N a cautioned look before following the rest of the paladins towards a long tunnel and disappearing in the blink of an eye. 

                                                       *TIME SKIP BY BI BO BEE* 

"Have you tried to contact the other Balmerans?" 

Y/N tapped her foot on the ground rather impatiently, sighing as the inhabitants shook their heads sorrowfully.

Allura had managed to locate their location (not without passing a cold glance towards Y/N). There was no-one else with the paladins locked into a deep battle with one of Haggar's creations. 

The princess furrowed her brows in confusion "What is it? What's going on?" 

Shay sheepishly gave Allura a thankful look before carefully stating: "All Balmerans give thanks for the kindness you and the Paladins bestowed upon us, but, alas, we cannot take leave of our home."

Y/N's folded her arms in interest "But your home will collapse. What's the point if you going to die." She mumbled, ignoring Allura's glare. 

 What people were so devoted to their home that they would leave? If given the chance the girl would have left earth if given even the slightest chance. 

Allura showed a face of concern and voiced out a surprised 'what?'. The tall alien continued, "If our great Balmera's life cycle is over because of us, then we desire to stay with it until the end."

The princess began to reason with them in hopes of getting the Balmerans to rethink their decision but to no avail. 

Rax (who Y/N quickly discovered was Shay's brother) stepped in a little more firm than his sister "We contacted the others, and all agree. It's not right that you risk your lives for us. Please, away. We ask for no more guilt and shame upon us."

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