help comes in cubes

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I just realised the last line of the last chapter makes it look like ur dead. I promise ur not

To put it lightly, the atmosphere was tense.

Keith was constantly picking at his fingers frantically, snapping at anyone and everyone due to Y/N's untimely collapse. It was hard for his widened eyes to drag themselves away from her listless body.

Their breaths would hitch when Y/N's fingers would twitch or a gentle sigh to escape from her open mouth.

Encased within a transparent dome of metal and alien-like technology, Y/N lay still, Different monitors beeped or buzzed with every fluctuation of her heart or change in breathing

"And there's nothing else we can do?" Keith murmured, knee bouncing quicker with every second. He soon took to a standing position to pace just in front of the small pod.

"This is as good as we can get" Allura replied. "The healing pod threw her out as it's for physical injuries and ailments. This will monitor her vitals until she wakes up".

Something softened in Keith's expression, perhaps relief?

No, something else.

His downcast expression trailed back to Y/N. Her figure was straight and a peaceful gaze adorned her face.

"Allura, do you have any idea what could have happened?" Hunk asked, his normal quivering tone dissipating to take on a serious tone, foreign to the normally terrified paladin.

"I...I'm not sure" Allura replied, voice soft and swimming, as if ashamed she couldn't provide consort to the distressed group.

The princess shifted towards Coran who only stroked his moustache silently, as if in deep thought.

"I may have a vague idea".

Everyone immediately faced the altean attentively.

"Well, though I may be wrong. You all remember that the black lion shut you out when we...heard Y/N, correct?"

They nodded, where was Coran going with this?

"Well, what if it was hiding something that wasn't for us, something we are not meant to know".

"And what would that be?" Keith questioned sullenly.

Coran cleared his throat "Well, ah, that's where I'm stuck. I don't know what the black lion could want with Y/N".

"It's that crystal".

Keith's voice penetrated the silence, causing the paladins to stop and turn to him, stunned as to what exactly he was talking about.

"Keith, whatever do you mean?" Allura asked slowly.

"I don't have enough proof, but I know that the crystal has something to do with...whatever's going on with Y/N. I know it".

The princess seemed to freeze, as did Coran as they shared a knowing yet borderline terrified glance.

Allura cleared her throat, ignoring the clueless paladins -bar Keith- that stared, begging to be in on this secret that had Coran practically hyperventilating.

"This crystal...does it have anything to do with Corintha, in the slightest?"

The paladin froze, now regretting what he had said, gaze narrowing and stance becoming more closed off by the minute, realisation forming in his head.

"And if it does?"

"Then I need it, now".

Keith frowned, disliking the tone and shook his head, sitting back to speak, an air of hostility gracing his rough voice. "What you need is to wake up Y/N" Keith focused back on the sleeping girl. "I am not talking about anything until she's better".

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