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"Kolivan, Antok and Y/N will come with me". 


 "There's strength in numbers" Allura explained hurriedly "Besides, we'll need your swordsmanship skills as you'll be our decoy". 


The princess threw Y/N a sword "Precisely, show your face as much as possible and I'm sure we'll all be okay".

Though Coran spluttered at the half baked idea, Y/N welcomed it with open arms. Perhaps Allura would finally open up and they wouldn't act like mortal enemies? 

Kolivan frowned (a look Y/N was now fully accustomed to) and looked the young girl up and down before speaking monotonously "Princess, is this a good idea? She's inexperienced". 

"As am I, Y/N is my best option and I recommend her highly. Unless you would like to Slav instead?" 

"Y/N it is". 

Without much more chatter, they led themselves to an aircraft to begin the descent to Zarkons castle.  

                                                *Time skipp*

"Shit, shit, shit. Allura is this part of the plan?!" 

It was all some kind of a blur to be perfectly honest. Every time Y/N would charge the druid would activate some barrier and would block her attack before moving swiftly and repeating the move.

A nagging voice in the back of her head egged her on to use the crystal, but Y/N decided that before she would risk causing some serious damage, she'd rely on her sword and hands. 

Kolivan fought off another druid silently whilst Allura faced Haggar. The princess had acquired a long staff to fend off the witch but Haggar was relentless with her attacks, lunging at Allura anomalistically. 

Haggar was sent flying with a baseball-Esque hit with the staff and rolled ungracefully to the other end of the high platform. Her hood fell down to reveal markings on her cheek. Altean markings, that is. 

"No!" Haggar shrieked, voice rasping wildly. 

Before Y/N could watch the scene unfold, the druid took advantage of her distraction and shoved her, its robotic voice ringing in her ears "You will not win Corintha!"

The teen bared her teeth as she stumbled, glaring at the purple forcefield the druid had put up. With a scream she thrashed against it with her sword, giving it her all. But alas, the shield refused to dissipate and showed no signs of weakening any time soon.

It seemed as if the nagging voice in her head had won over her thoughts 

Though she barely had any clue how it would work, Y/N produced the crystal and clutched it in her palm. Now what? 

The druid seemed to catch wind of the girl's balled fist and charged toward her, even with the minimal space on the floating platform. 

Y/N let out a sharp breath. She had to act quickly! 

With a grunt of effort, the sharp side of the elemental crystal was stuck into the side of the forcefield. 

The glowing, vivid purple began to dim from the shield and into Kevin, the darkness of the crystal lightning as bolts of quintessence seemed to rush into the crystal at an alarming rate. 

Finally, something was going to plan!

She drew the crystal from the shield and gradually the streams of quintessence were quelled, unlike the energetic feeling in Y/N's veins. It was as if pure strength had been poured into her veins. She felt unstoppable. 

"But. How?" The druid rasped. 

However, there was no time for explanations. Y/N took her sword and slashed the now off white forcefield wildly. With a violent thrust, the barrier collapsed and fizzled out with a flurry of miserable sparks. 

At the same time, Allura absorbed Haggar's onslaught of magic and struck the ground wildly, causing bolts of purple to jump around the room and snake into the ship.

The druid gasped, taken aback by the display from the two and looked around for help (there was none. Y/N clenched her dominant fist and delivered a sucker punch to the stomach. 

"Have mercy- AAAHHH" The druid screeched, tumbling into the blackened abys with a horrified shriek. 

The ordeal left Y/N breathing heavily, her adrenaline-fueled energy slowly seeping away to be replaced with anticipation. She took note of how strong her rush of strength was.

Kolivan grunted as the ship began to visibly malfunction, having defeated the druid on his own floating platform "Come on!" 

                                                *Time skip* 

Y/N nibbled at her fingertips once she was back in the castle. The Lions edged closer towards the wormhole as the castle of lions flew straight in. 

However, something felt off. Something had happened previously to the paladins that incapacitated Shiro as well as the black lion.

The altean jumped up at the mention of the paladins and sped towards the black lion, heart racing with fear. 

"Shiro, Shiro?!" She called out along with the other paladins. 

Instead of seeing a passed out Shiro in the cockpit, there was nothing. 

No broken helmet, no paladin suit. Nothing. 

Nausea arose within Y/N as Keith yelled out for Shiro, only just entering the lion. His demeanour matched his eyes. Frantic. 

An uneasy silence passed throughout the group as Lance gulped slowly and turned to Keith, voice quiet as if he didn't quite believe it himself. 

"He's gone". 

"What?" Keith mumbled, violet eyes blinking in the darkened lion whilst his slender fingers clutched at the head of the pilot's seat.

No one could reply. No one had the words or the heart to explain to Keith that his mentor, his friend had disappeared in the fight with Zarkon. No one could explain how and so no one did. 

One by one, Hunk, Lance and Pidge left. The three were visibly shaken and left in silence to their respective areas of the castle (Y/N could have sworn she heard a quiet cry from Pidge but chose not to follow it up). 

Now it was just the two of them. Alone. 

Keith stood stock still whilst gentle tears built up in Y/N's eyes. How did this all happen? 

A slow, painful second passed before Keith finally moved. However, the action was jerky yet robotic, as if he'd forgotten how to function in those few minutes of sorrowful quietude.  

He blinked once, twice, thrice before shoving his helmet back on and making his way from the black lion. 

Y/N snapped out of her own trance and called out for him.

"Keith, where are you going?" 

The red paladin bit his lip and turned away to let a silent tear roll down her porcelain cheeks. It was as if the question was physically uncomfortable to answer, showing as he ground his teeth and replied shortly. 

"I'm going to find Shiro". 

This was sad ngl. 


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