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"You better be okay!" Keith growled, shoving Y/N as she laughed playfully. "I'm A.OK" She gave a sloppy thumbs up. 

The dark-haired teen rolled before softening his gaze "You're okay, right?" Y/N was about to give a snarky retort before she saw the party. 


The castle seemed to be bustling with all kinds of chatter and noise. The ballroom was occupied with all the arusians and paladins. 

"Lance!" Y/N yelled, waving her arms madly.  "Phsyco girl!" Lance shouted, just as happily. Y/N and Keith walked over to the two. 

"We need something like that". Hunk mused, whilst he stroked his chin. Lance raised a brow "Like what?" 

"Like, a cheer. Yeah a team cheer!" The Cuban nodded in silent agreement before smirking. "Ok". 

A/N: Get ready for one of the best scenes lmao.

"How about...I say 'Vol' you say 'Tron'! Vol!"

Keith blinked, a soft, innocent aura beamed around him. "Uh,...Voltron?" 

Y/N almost squeaked. Keith sounded so cute and confused the girl was ready to burst. Lance just shook his head and decided to try again.

"No, no, no, no. The cheer includes the instruction, I say 'Vol' and you say?" 


Keith turned to Y/N, pouting slightly. "I'm doing it correctly...Aren't I?" The altean really didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise so she said 'Yes Keith, you're doing it perfectly'. 

And that brought a soft smirk to his lips. 

However, Y/N could hear whispering. She was confused at first but strained to hear the hushed conversations.

"Did you see Corintha?" 

"Lion Goddess said it wasn't her!" 

"And she looks younger!"

"But what if?" 

"My goodness! She'd destroy us all!" 

"I thought Zarkon..." 

Y/N wasn't able to hear the last part as she was elbowed by Keith.  "Y/N!" The girl jumped and turned to the three. "Hmm? Oh, I spaced off didn't I?" The red paladin nodded and Y/N grinned lopsidedly. 

"I'm going to see Space dad- I mean Shiro. He's going to be all lonely by himself". Keith blinked in suprise "I can go with you". 

 Y/N declined rather hurriedly "You guys are like the guests of honour! Allura will think I've paladin-napped you or something if you come with me".

The female laughed softly before turning on heel. "I'll be back!" 


Once Y/N was out a sultry breeze whistled listlessly. Pieces of emerald green grass lazily flopped to the ground, dew ridden and aimless. The sight was serene and gentle, calming the girl's nerves.

"Y/N, what are you doing out here?" 


Y/N was startled to see Shiro next to her. The older man chuckled before shaking his head. 


Y/N clicked her tongue and sat onto the grass "English". 

Shiro furrowed his brows and cocked his head a little. "I doubt you're here because you want to search the perimeter for intruders". 

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