Return of the furry man?

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Sendak's ears are very fluffy tho

The three burst into the bridge to see Sendak holding Pidge in the air.

 The galran now sported a bright purple energy chain as a limb, his hand now replaced with a gargantuan claw. Sendak glowered  "Stand back or the paladin dies!"

Y/N gasped and pointed accusingly "You!" 

Sendak furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows, a look of fury was evident in his expression "You!" 

The alien stormed up to Y/N with Pidge still in his claw thing, mouth almost bubbling with froth as he exclaimed loudly "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU-!" 


Sendak was struck in the back by Lance's rifle. In an instant, Sendak stumbled forward and let go of Pidge;  the young boy tumbles to the floor and scrambled back up to fight. 

Seconds later, Shiro rushed to Sendak, hands behind his back and determined to knockout the commander. The black paladin was knocked to the floor and Keith sprinted up to Sendak, bayard in hand. 

"Get away!" Sendak roared, he turned to face Y/N who was honestly caught up in the fact that the furry who attacked her when she was younger was here.

E/C eyes glanced at Allura who was furiously typing on a keyboard. Y/N reached for the hilt of her sword. and watched the fight in front of her. 

 Keith was currently occupying Sendak, giving Pidge just enough time to use her bayard. A string of green severed the galrans bright purple energy chain arm, causing him to stumble as he was off balance. 

 Y/N then raced up to Sendak and slashed the purple furry on his mid-spine. Sendak yelled and spun around to face Y/N -who was clearly rethinking her decision-


The altean battled Sendak furiously, she'd managed to puncture his armour a couple of times and narrowly escape instant death at least thrice. 


Y/N frowned and moved up to him closer before sidestepping a blow to the throat "I'm not Corintha! I'm Y/N!" 

Y/N's heart raced as Sendak caught the blade of her sword and began to whirl around madly. Allura turned to the two and shouted "Y/N! Now!" 

Y/N nodded and tucked her knees to her chest before kicking her feet into Sendak's furry face. The girl then let go and crashed to the floor. 

The commander screeched and stumbled backwards to the centre of the bridge. Suddenly, a barrier rose from the ground and trapped him inside. 

Y/N cheered softly before sitting up. Keith raced up to the altean and helped her up "Are you okay, Sendak didn't hurt you right?" Y/N shook her head "I'm okay. It's Lance you should be worried about". 


The team watched in silence as Lance slept in a healing pod. Allura's gentle voice broke the tense atmosphere "After a day here, he should be fully healed". 

They nodded in thanks. Shiro turned to Pidge  "Pidge we can't thank you enough for all you did. I can't help but feel that you were meant to be a part of our team... but I understand if you want to leave."

Y/N stared at Pidge, waiting for his answer. The green paladin let out a soft sigh "Dad used to tell me how close he was with his crew members. They were like family. Now, I understand what he was talking about."

The black paladin smiled as Pidge announced  "I'm staying with you guys. Let's stop the galra for all of our families."

Keith grinned "Good to have you back on the team"

The atmosphere lightened slightly before Shiro spoke to Y/N "You and Sendak seemed to recognise each other. How is that possible?" 

Y/N bit her lip "It's a bit of a story. You guys should probably hear it when Lance wakes up". 

Allura furrowed her brows "I'm sure we'd all like to hear it". 


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