'Kevin' 'Kevin?' 'Kevin'

245 11 4

"This, this is not good!"

Lance raised a brow at an almost trembling Hunk "Ya think?!"

An uncomfortable tension filled the room, leaving the paladins almost bouncing with worry. Coran was almost flabbergasted at the recent turn of unfortunate events.

"How could you leave with a copy of Y/N?!"

Hunk bit his lip, twiddling his fingers "Well, Allura and I were almost in the yellow Lion and we thought we saw Y/N but it wasn't her".

"When did you guys find out it wasn't her?" Pidge asked, typing on an Altean device.

"Uh...When Lance almost shot the ship that Y/N was in!"

Pidge darted from screen to screen with Coran, they were staring (and somehow understanding) various patterns of numbers and reports.

"You paladins were split up yesterday and got back to the castle of lions between 2000 and 2300 hours. Looking at the coordinates we were all in we can roughly guess that Y/N is somewhere within the K'orsey quadrant".

Allura perked up from her uninterested position "But, that's almost 3 quintants away, worm holing there is unsafe because of the clusters!" 

Coran glanced at the princess, face riddled with a frown of displeasure. "Princess, I know you and Y/N aren't the best of friends because of...Certain reasons, but we must band together if we want to get her back!"

The princess folded her arms "What if I don't want to get her back?"

Pidge rolled her eyes "Deal with it". 

However, the small group hadn't heard the muffled voices (some angrier than others) as well as a pattering of hurried footsteps. 

The entire room fell into another uneasy silence. A hydraulic hiss had sounded as Keith and Shiro stalked in, grim expressions on their faces.

Coran fumbled around before sputtering out excitedly."Did you find anything?!" The red paladin seemed to hold a vow of furious silence so Shiro spoke instead.

"No, we flew around in the lions and scanned the area, there was nothing".

Pidge nodded before speaking "Well we have a pretty accurate guess on where Y/N could be".

Keith perked up as the green paladin delivered the verdict "So, we've been able to estimate that Y/N is somewhere in somewhere named the K'orsey quadrant".

Coran bit his lip, his usually cheery and goofy persona had melted slightly into a rather serious, sombre one. "One out of two options are to use an unstable wormhole system to travel to a Xanthorium cluster ridden area". 

"Xanthorium clusters?"

"They're highly explosive crystal-like clusters".

The black paladins' features hardened slightly, realising how difficult the choice could be. Coran twizzled his exuberant moustache. "However, because of the amount of damage the castle has sustained, we wouldn't be able to pinpoint the exact location".

Shiro finished the grim sentence "Meaning we could land into a field filled with explosives".

At that moment, Keith spoke, speech gruff and impatient. "We'll take the lions instead" 

Hunk bit his lip "Well, we wanted to. But there's a slight problem". Violet eyes seemed to pierce into the soul of the yellow paladin. "What problem?"

"This is not a good idea".

And can you guess who said that?

Allura stood, jewel-like irises flashing with stubborn pride, "All of this could be some kind of elaborate set-up to get to the lions!"

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