'OOH! Use the mouth cannon thingy!'

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Y/N narrowed her eyes at Rolo, the altean was placed a couple of feet away from him and stood next to Keith instead. 

"So, are there any more freedom fighters, any kind of organised resistance to the galra?" 

Rolo shrugged and folded his arms. "Only folks who haven't been colonized yet, or the lucky few, like us, who managed to escape somehow."

Keith spoke up at that moment "Well, we're going to change all that." The alien nodded and hummed happily. "That's good to hear, but I've got to warn you, it's pretty bad out there. You don't know what you're up against."


Haggar slunk up to Zarkon before rasping at him.

 "The Komar Experiment was a success. We have gained an entire planet's quintessence, a feat that would have normally taken us years."

 The galran king grunted, "This will revolutionize the way we advance throughout the galaxy. Mining and colonizing planets is a thing of the past. With this much power available at our whim, we can now spend all of our time hunting down and capturing Voltron ."

Zarkon then clutched his fist. "However, this is still not enough. I must be able to grab the quintessence of multiple planets". The tall male snarled at no-one in particular before growling.

I must have Corintha. She is the only one who has the plans for the project". 


Y/N was about to ask Rolo a question when he suddenly stood up "I think this thing is just about ready for a test flight. Beezer, come co-pilot for me. Be back in a tick." 

Before anyone could question the abrupt decision the two hastily jogged into their spacecraft and flew off.

Y/N blinked her E/C eyes in surprise "Does anybody know where they're going?" The ship flew with no issues at all. 

There was silence for a couple of minutes as the five stared into the sky "How many ticks have they been gone?" Pidge asked in confusion at the now black dot that was once Rolo's ship.

"Something just isn't right" Hunk mused, tapping his chin with his forefinger whilst a silver wrench hung off his fingertips. 

"Guys, hello? Little help here?" 

Lance's sheepish voice rang throughout the voice of the paladins' helmets. What was surprising was that the blue paladin sounded a little shocked. 

"What's going on?!" Sounds of concern rang in the air at Lance's voice.

Lance laughed nervously before biting back his embarrassment  "Well, I'm kind of chained to a... a tree."

Y/N's eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. "What the actual fuck Lance?!" 

"Y/N! Language!" 

"Fine, fine!" 

Hunk frowned before throwing his tool to the ground "I knew it!" He exclaimed. 

Lance cleared his throat "And I think they just stole the blue lion". The last sentence was spoken as if it were a mere afterthought. 

"I knew it!" 

 "Where are they?" Shiro asked, pinching tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. 

 "Uh... space?"

Keith sighed before sarcastically snapping. "Oh thank you Lance. You've narrowed it down so helpfully". 

The paladins could hear Lance's smug voice flaring up as he quipped back.

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