Birthday Surprise (PT 6)

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"Kyaa!" Erza said, tripping over something.

"Erza? Was that you?" Jellal asked his laser tag team mate.

"No...Maybe!" Erza said blushing a light pink.

"Come on! We have to move in case someone finds our location." Jellal whispered, leading the way. "By the way, you're cute when you 'kya,'" Jellal said with an amused smirk, as he ran away.

"What did you say? Jellal, get back here!" Erza whisper-screamed.

Some team mate!

"There she is!" Lucy whispered from the dark stairs.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu announced for the hundredth time. He stood beside her while aiming his laser gun at Erza.

Erza dodged the laser beam and ran up the stairs. She tip-toed behind Natsu. She aimed her gun and...Score! Natsu didn't even notice.

"Boo!" Erza whispered in Lucy's ear. "Kyaaaaa!" Lucy screamed running behind Natsu. "You're evil! Get her Natsu!" 

Natsu turned around and aimed at Erza. "Got her!" Natsu said triumphantly. 

"You baka! You got me, Flamebrain! Attack, Juvia!" Gray said.

"How dare you hurt my Gray-sama! Juvia will kill you and Love Rival!" Juvia screamed and aimed her gun at Lucy's face.

"No, Juvia! Aim at that green light on their equiptment!" Gray whispered, moving her gun.

"Erza! C'mon! I think I know where Levy, Gajeel, and Mira Jane are hiding!" Jellal whispered, tugging Erza down the ramp.

"I think I smell an intruder!" Gajeel said, an evil grin spreading across his face.

"Maybe we can climb the wall and shoot from their!" Levy whispered.

"Good idea, Shrimp! Wait- is that what people do in books?" the dragon slayer asked.

"Yep!" Levy nodded.

"Then nevermind! Let's just attack them!"

"Crap! He got me!" Jellal said under his breath.

"Got Jelly-Man!" Gajeel said proudly.

"This way!" Erza cried, dragging her tasered team mate across the room.

Erza suddenly stopped running and turned around to ask him a question, only to have him land on top of her, their lips colliding.

"S-sorry!" Jellal said, jumping up.

"Mira," Erza growled, looking around.

I can't believe I fell for such a clichéd trap!

"Jerza Plan A, success," a certain white haired matchmaker said from above.

"Minna! The game is over! Please report to the main room! The game is over!" someone said over the loudspeaker.


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