Birthday Surprise (PT 3)

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"Hey! Scarlet! Put away your swords! I'm not the Erza I was before you battled me! I'm no longer the Fairy Hunter!" Erza Knightwalker said.

"Is this a dream?" Erza Scarlet asked confused.

"It's a long story...King Jellal told me that because I'm your Edolas counterpart, we can communicate through dreams!" Edo Erza said.

"So I am dreaming?" she asked again.

"Yeah. Anyway, King Jellal-"

"King Jellal?" Erza said, thinking about her Jellal. "You mean the one I know as Mystogan?"

"Yeah! Guess what! King Jellal and I are getting married!" Erza Knightwalker said beaming. "He forgave me and everything!'

Wait! They're getting married? Doesn't Edolas show the future or something? Wait! Why am I thinking about this?

"Congratulations!" Erza Scarlet said with a forced smile.

I just wish Jellal would truly forgive himself like Erza Knightwalker..

"I came to tell you, I think you should propose to Jellal Fernandes, like I did to Jel- Mystogan!" Erza Knightwalker said. "You've had that ring for almost 2 years!" she said.

"How do you know I have a ring?" Erza asked, trying desperately to conceal her blush. "Are you stalking me?"

"I just know!" Knightwalker said with a sly smile. "Its time you take that box out of its hiding place and give it to him!"

"Maybe next year.." Erza said, blushing even harder.

"We'll see about that!" Edo Erza said with a wink.

Erza woke up and sat up in her bed, glancing at the time.

"That was a strange dream," she whispered to herself. Erza sighed, "It's nice to know Knightwalker and the rest of Edolas is doing well."

Erza got up and requipted out of her pajamas.

Crap! It's 9:30pm! Team Natsu and Team Redemption were going to go and watch a movie at Lucy's house! I'm late!

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