Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 1)

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"Well that was one interesting mission!" Jellal exclaimed, as the two Fairy Tail mages walked to the guild hall. "I wonder what we missed out-"

They stopped walking abruptly, and stared at the Fairy Tail guild's front door. Or at least where the door used to be...

"The door...Its gone!" Erza whispered, her jaw dropping. "Natsu..."

Jellal shook his head and smiled sympathetically, "Poor Natsu is going to die today."

Erza ran into the guild and yelled, "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GUILD? WERE YOU ATTACKED?"

Lucy chuckled nervously, "I believe that was Natsu and Laxus's doing.."

"They got into an intense fight and..Laxus won of course," Levy added.

"NATSU..." Erza growled.

"Yo Mystogan," Laxus called from behind the bar. "Calm your girlfriend! Natsu is in the infirmary."

"My name is Jellal!" he shouted, clearly annoyed.

"Sure thing Myst!" Laxus chuckled.

"Listen up brats!" Master Makarov announced, trying to get the guilds attention up at the front. "Now that Jellal and Erza are here, we can start our fundraiser!"

"The guild is in need of money," Mira Jane continued. "We need money right now to pay for the damage, so we decided to have a fundraiser."

"Can't Flame Brain pay for it?" Gray groaned.

"So that's what the race is for," Lucy remarked. "But how do we get money from a race?"

"People are going to pay to watch us, right?" Levy asked, looking up at Mira for an answer.

"Who want's to watch a bunch of wizards running around?" Gajeel asked.

Master laughed and said, "Trust me, people seem to think Fairy Tail is quite amusing. I wouldn't be surprised if Lahar came to watch!"

Jellal gulped, and glanced at Erza.

"You're free, remember?" Erza whispered to him, trying her best to reassure the former fugitive.

Mira Jane continued saying, "Anyway, the partners are-"

"Me and Natsu, Levy and Gajeel, Jellal and Erza, Juvia and Gray," Lucy called out.

Mira Jane smiled, "That's right! You know me so well! I'm so proud!"

"Also Alzack and Bisca, Evergreen and Elfman, Lisanna and Bickslow, and First Master and Laxus!" Makarov added.

Mavis clapped, her eyes shining happily.

"What?!" Laxus asked, his eyes widening. "But I thought-"

"You were going to be with me?" Mira finished. "Nah, First Master Mavis wanted to race, so I told her you could be her partner!"

"And you better behave!" Master scolded.

"Sure thing, Gramps.." Laxus muttered.

"Meet me in front of the guild at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. We'll take the train to a racetrack in Onibus and the first round will start!" Mira Jane smiled.

"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu yelled.

"Not if Juvia water's you down!" Gray retorted, causing Juvia to laugh.

"Is magic allowed?" Jellal asked.

"Of course!" Makarov said.

Jellal chuckled, "We've already won this one, Erza!"


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