Birthday Surprise (PT 1)

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Walking around the Fiore Shopping Center, he had never felt so lost. But at the same time, he had never gone shopping in his life.


What did Erza even like? Clothing? Jewlery? Erza probably had all of it! I need something unique. 

Of course! Strawberry cake! She eats it every time we're not on a job at the guild! Jellal laughed at his stupidity. It wasn't unique, but it was sure to bring a smile to her face. Now all he had to do was find a bakery. He walked over to the directory that stood in the middle of the mall. A salmon-haired teen stood near beside the lit-up map.

"Hey Jellal, getting a present for Erza?" Natsu asked eagerly.

"Yeah, I'm getting strawberry cake," he replied.

"Same, except it looks like the bakery is closed," Natsu said pointing to the shop across the mall. Sure enough, the store was dark, and a sign that read "Come Again Soon!" hung from the display window.

Great! Now what? Maybe Mira Jane, or someone at the guild can help me...

"Any other ideas?" Jellal asked worriedly, scanning the shops that lined the upper level. Clothes and restaurants..a jewelry shop and..more clothes. He sighed dejectedly. How could finding a birthday present be so hard?

"I'll probably get her a T-shirt that says 'Natsu Dragneel has beaten me,'" Natsu said smiling cheekily.

"Good luck trying not get killed!" Jellal replied, an amused smirk on his face.

"Oh, I'll be okay!" Natsu said, grinning like a madman. "See you at the guild!"

I should go back to the guild and ask Mira Jane for some ideas. She'll know what to do. All the stores are closing, and I'm running out of time. Tomorrow evening is when she will be collecting her gifts, thankfully.

Jellal Fernandes began to walk back toward the guild, clutching the small velvet box that had been sitting in his coat pocket for two years. It had served as a good-luck charm- a reminder as to why he was on this earth.

(A/N: I'm not telling you what it is!)

I can't give up. Erza never gave up one me- this is the least I can do for her.

A little bit of Heavenly Body magic brought him to the entrance of the guild, where he stuffed his hands back into the pockets of his coat and entered the bustling hall. His comrades looked up at him, gave a friendly nod of the head, or a wave, and continued their business.

"Hey, Jellal! How was your present-finding adventure?" Mira Jane asked him cheerfully from behind the bar.

"Not so good..the bakery was closed," Jellal said unhappily.

"So..I found where Erza keeps her magic sugar. That's what makes her cake taste so good." Mira Jane said with a wink.

"And..?" the blue haired mage asked, although he clearly knew where this conversation was going.

"We can bake the cake and add some magic sugar to it. That way, it will be extra special and tasty!" she said, her blue eyes glowing eagerly.

Not good! Last time Mira Jane helped me do something for Erza...It was so embarrassing...What am I doing?

Despite his fearful thoughts, Jellal found himself in the kitchen, Mira by his side, all of their ingredients spread out across the marble counter. "So...Now what?" he said, picking up a wooden spoon and examining it curiously.

"Okay, I got the magic sugar and it says to make sure we add it into the mixture before putting it into the oven," she said to Jellal.

~ ~ ~

Jellal had just baked the first thing in his life. It was a miracle! There was flour all over his face, almost concealing his red tattoo. He closed his eyes and sighed with a relief. This was just another obstacle he had overcome.

"Uh-oh!" Mira Jane said suddenly.

"Now what?" Jellal groaned, his flying open with fear. He flipped through the cookbook frantically. Eggs, flour, butter..They had done everything. The cream and freshly cut strawberries sat on the counter. They would be added to the top later.

What could possibly be wrong?

"We forgot the magic sugar!" she said frantically.

Of course. This was Fairy Tail.

Anything and everything that could go wrong, would go wrong.


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