Game Day (PT 1)

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"So how was you're trip?" Cana asked, taking a sip of her booze.

"It was amazing!" Lucy said. "And this time, Natsu only destroyed the aquarium!"

"All that yummy fish gone to waste," Happy mumbled sadly.

"Gray-sama and Juvia finally went on the Love Love Slide!" Juvia squealed.

"And Lyon wasn't there to ruin it it!" Gray said.

Erza smiled, as she watched her comrades chattering about their day's adventures. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jellal motion to follow him. She quietly crept out of sight.

"What now?" Erza asked. " You're no longer a 'fugitive', you don't have to talk to me in secret!"

"Oh? So you want to beg for the strawberry in front of the guild?" Jellal asked with an amused smirk.

"W-what? You still want me to do that?" Erza asked, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. "I thought you were kidding!"

"It's your decision. I am quite hungry.." Jellal replied, his smile becoming wider.

Erza smiled. She hadn't seen him so happy since before he had joined the guild. "Fine!" She kneeled down, and adjusted herself so she was the same height as her 11 year old self.

I can't believe I'm doing this for a stupid strawberry..

"Jelly-kun? Will you pwease give me the stwabewwy?" Erza whined. She blushed again, as she heard her whiny voice, begging 'Jelly-kun' for a piece of fruit.

Jellal began to laugh, and was now on the ground, tears forming in his eyes. "It's not that funny!" Erza insisted.

"Jellal? Come fight me!" Natsu yelled.

Jellal picked himself up, waved at Erza, and ran back to the guild hall to have a nice fight with Natsu.

Wait? What about my strawberry!

"JELLAL FERNANDES!" Erza screamed, as she requipted into her Heavens Wheel armor.

Time Skip---------


The 8 mages sat down around the table of the guild hall. Erza was happily munching on her strawberry, while Jellal sat next to her, panting. Gajeel and Natsu were having an argument, and Lucy and Levy were talking about books. Juvia and Gray were having a conversation.

"All right! Let's play Truth or Dare! Gajeel, truth or dare?" Mira Jane said, with an evil smile.


"I dare you to confess!" she continued.

"Confess?" Gajeel asked, pretending to be clueless.

"You know exactly what I mean!" Mira Jane turned into her Satan Soul. "NOW DO IT!"

"O-okay! Levy..I like you," Gajeel said simply. Levy blushed. Lucy whispered in her ear, and she began to blush more.

"Flamebrain, truth or dare?" Gajeel said, recovering from his embarassement.

"Oi! Who are you call-" Natsu protested.

"Natsu..." Erza said, an evil aura surrounding her

"Okay, okay! Dare!" Natsu said, turning back to Gajeel.

"I dare Flamebrain to try to bake a cake for his girlfriend," Gajeel announced.

"B-but, I can't bake a cake without burning it!" Natsu wailed. 

"A dare is a dare!" Mira Jane said pushing him into the kitchen.

"Freed, put a fire proof ecriture around the kitchen," Mira Jane yelled. "And Happy, please watch Natsu."

"Aye sir!" 

"Wait! Jellal, truth or dare?" Natsu called from the enterance of the kitchen.


"Ever since when have you had a crush on Erza?" Natsu asked, earning some thumbs up from his comrades.

"W-well..Ever since she..told me her name.." Jellal whispered. Gray patted his back sympathetically.

"Wow.." Natsu said mockingly.

"Go and do your dare!" Lucy yelled pushing him into the kitchen. "And bake me a chocolate cake!"

"Strawberry cake is better," Erza said casually.

"I think chocolate cake is better," Jellal protested.






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