S Class Mission (PT 3)

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After eating lunch, Erza and Jellal walked outside into the warm, summer air and wandered around the city. After all, they had until midnight before their mission truly started.

"Cool! They have a Fairy Tail shop here!" Erza exclaimed, dragging him to the door. She peered in.

"Fairy Tail sure is famous," Jellal whispered. "Want to see what they sell?" Jellal asked opening the door.

"Fairy Tail stuff, obviously," Erza muttered as she followed him into the bright shop.

"I'm going to look here!" she told her companion, as she ran behind the racks of clothes.

Jellal smiled  and continued walking to the front of the shop.

"Oh, hello there sir!" an old man said.

Wow, so many old people...

"Hello," Jellal greeted. "Do you-" His question was immediately cut off, for he had spotted something. Something scarlet.

Erza..A miniature Erza doll..

"It's nice isn't it?" the man said, as if reading Jellal's thoughts.

"C-cute!" he stammered. Jellal slowly picked up the doll, and fingered its hair. He looked over his shoulder, making sure Erza wasn't watching him.

"H-how much does it cost?" he mumbled.

"21,000 jewels," the man announced.

"Expensive," Jellal murmured.

"It's clothes are removable," the man said smirking.

Jellal froze and his face turned red. 

"What's wrong? Your Titania's boyfriend right?" he asked.

"Y-yeah. Wait! How do you know? Never mind..Anyway I'll buy this," the blue haired mage said quickly, handing the man his money. The white haired man handed him the doll in return.

"Jellal? Did you buy something? I thought you said you only wanted to look!" Erza said, from across the store.

"No, I didn't buy anything," he said, shoving the doll in his pocket. "We should get going."

"Yes," Erza agreed, opening the door. He turned around and was about to step out when the old man winked.

It must have been my imagination..

The two mages walked outside and continued along the white sidewalk. They eventually sat down in the cool, dewy grass behind the shops, and watched ships come and go.

"I'm proud of you," Erza whispered. Jellal's eyes widened in surprise

"You've finally forgiven yourself, haven't you? At least a little.." she said.

Jellal nodded. "I'm trying my best..but it's not easy."

Erza reached out and cupped his reddening cheeks, their faces centimeters away. He stared, sputtering, and unsure what she was trying to do. She leaned in, so there foreheads were gently touching.

"That's good."


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