S Class Mission (PT 6)

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"Oh, I um..she told me your name! I mean he told me!" the pink haired man stuttered.

Erza smiled. "Yes, of course!"

The three men sweat dropped. "Well, I'll be on my way. Oh, and do you happen to know when the evening train leaves for Magnolia?" she asked.

"Yes, I do," the white haired man said smiling. "It leaves at eight o'clock!"

"Arigato," Erza said turning away. She smiled sweetly, "Mira Jane.."

Erza walked back into the hotel room they had been staying in, and quietly entered the room. She smiled at the sight of sleeping Jellal and crawled into the bed that stood next to the window. Snuggling under the warm, fluffy blankets, Erza closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Dream —

Erza looked around the field and smiled to herself. "Picnic time!"

She sat down and a red and white checkered blanket appeared on the ground, along with some strawberry cake. The mage picked it up and loaded a piece of the sweet dessert on to her fork.

"Hey, Luce! Look! It's Erza!" Natsu shouted, running down the nearby hill. He quickly sat beside Erza and grabbed a piece of cake out of nowhere, while Lucy sat beside him.

"Natsu! How dare you ruin my dream!" she grumbled.

"Hey Erza! Did you bring any Tabasco sauce?" Natsu asked, looking around.

"No, baka! Get out of my dream!" she commanded. In an instant, Lucy and Natsu disappeared.

"Finally..Peace and-" Erza began to say. "WHO DARES TO KNOCK ME- Jellal?"

"Erza!" he said happily, leaning in to kiss her.

Erza eventually pushed Jellal away and whispered "I wanted my dream to have just me in it..but I kind of like the way this is going!"

Jellal's eyes widened and he jumped backwards. "W-what did you say?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Erza asked, confused.

"Y-your dream?" he asked, gulping nervously.

"Yeah, this is my dream!" Erza said.

"B-but this is my dream!" he shouted, turning pink.

Erza stood up, "Probably because of that sensory link thingy-wait a second! You kiss every single Erza you see in your dreams?"

Jellal turned away. "Maybe.."

Erza smirked, "This is some very useful information.."

"Erza.." Jellal groaned. "Hey! I'm disappearing!" he yelped.

"You're probably waking up," Erza said, getting up and preparing to wake up from her..interesting dream "Well, I'll see you at the Sencala Inn Cafe for lunch!"

End of Dream—


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