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"Erza!" Jellal said, jumping up and leading his wife over to the couch. "What did the doctor say?"

Erza smiled at her eager husband, "Everything's going well. What do you want? A baby boy or a baby girl?"

"I don't care," he said, kissing her cheek.

"The doctor said-" Erza began. "Jellal..what are you doing?"

Jellal was kneeling down in front of Erza's swollen stomach, whispering something.

"Are you..talking to the baby?" Erza asked with amusement.

"Of course," he said.

"Well say it out loud!"

Jellal nodded and continued to speak to the unborn baby, " I'm Jellal your dad. And..I have some rules and advice you need to follow."

"Poor baby," Erza laughed. "Already needs to follow rules."

"Make sure you don't go inside any suspicious towers," he said. "Especially if the tower has a 'happy' name."

Erza smiled, "Very wise."

"If you are a boy, never push away your true love," he continued. "And don't lie about having a fiancée. Trust me- I had to learn the hard way."

At this point of time, Erza was laughing- hard.

Jellal grinned, "If you are a girl, no dating until you are thirty."

"Jellal!" Erza yelled, playfully hitting his arm. "Just because you didn't date until you were twenty-seven doesn't mean the baby has to!"

"Don't atone for your sins by forming your own guild- it's going to fail. Trust me."

Once Jellal was satisfied the baby had heard, he got up from the ground and sat beside Erza.

"I love you, Erza."

"I love you too, Jellal."

                                                    "Such beautiful scarlet hair.

                    Why don't we call you 'Erza Scarlet?' It's the color of your hair,

                                                   that way, I won't forget!"

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