Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 4)

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"Erza..Is something wrong?" Jellal asked, uncertainly.

"The only thing wrong is the fact you aren't kissing me.."

Jellal blushed a deep scarlet and backed away, "I can't..not when you're acting all weird!"

"So you can do it when I'm not weird?" she giggled.

"Y-yeah..Umm..We have to go! We're in the middle of a race!" Jellal said, jumping up from the ground and helping her stand.

"Kiss me!"

"Erza, now isn't the time! I'll um..kiss you after we win the race." he stuttered. "So let's go!"

"Fine!" Erza pouted. "But you have to carry me on your back!"

"Okay.." Jellal said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "But you can't move much because we're handcuffed."

Erza's eyes glowed mischievously. "Perfect!"

Jellal's eyes widened in shock.

Please go back to normal soon Erza!

"Here," he said crouching down. "Get on."

Erza gracefully climbed on, and much to Jellal's surprise, she was very light despite her armor.

"Now let's go," she whispered, brushing her lips against his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.


"Meteor!" he yelled, preparing to fly forward. But of course nothing happened..

Mira Jane Strauss, I will get my revenge! You and your matchmaking schemes..

"Yo, Myst!" a voice yelled from somewhere ahead of them.

"Laxus?" Jellal called, relieved.

"Having a hard time with Erza?" he asked, smirking.

"Why isn't Mavis affected?" Jellal grumbled.

"This magic only works if you're partners with someone you love," Laxus replied. "This is Love Magic, duh! So anyway, I'm not affected. Neither are Jet and Laki, and Alzack and Bisca." (A/N: Because Alzack and Bisca are married.)

"Thanks for the info," Jellal grumbled.

"I'm actually grateful I'm not partners with Mira!" he replied.

"Yeah, she's probably the one who set this race up.."

"Laxus-san!" Mavis called. "We have to go!"

"Don't worry- Natsu and Gray are having trouble with their team mates. They're way behind you. Gajeel and Levy are ahead of you though." he said, waving.

"Jelly-chan!" Erza said. "Come on, we have to win!"

Jellal nodded and began to run forward.

"One day, we might get married!" Erza stated randomly.

"W-what!?" he asked, his face turning redder by the minute.

"And have 21 babies!" she continued. "Does that sound nice?"

Jellal stayed silent, praying for the Love Magic to wear off- very soon!

"Oh look!" he whispered, changing the topic. "We're almost at the end of the pink fog!" He began to run faster.

"What does that mean?" she asked, wrapping her legs tighter around his waist.

"You'll go back to normal," Jellal muttered under his breath.

"Jelly-chan," Erza complained. "Can you kiss me?"

"Erza," he groaned. "Not now."

"The I'll kiss Ichiya!"

"No!" he yelled, a little to loudly.

"Why not?" she whispered.

"Because..you're dating me remember?"

"Yeah, so you have to kiss me!"

"Once we're out of the pink fog."

Almost there! Almost out of the pink fog! Keep her talking...

Erza began to finger his blue locks, examining it closely.

Feels so good..

"You need a hair cut!" she announced.

"Do I?" he asked, a little bit concerned.

She nodded in agreement. "I think a..mohawk!"

Jellal's eyes widened in surprise. "A m-mohawk?"

"Mmhm," Erza murmured, fiddling with his hair. "You would look nice in a mohawk."

"I'll think about it.."

Finally! Out of the pink fog!

Jellal stepped triumphantly out of the fog, and carefully set his partner on the ground.

"E-Erza?" he asked. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great," she said grinning. "'Cause I get to kiss you!"

"B-but..You should be back to normal by now! What happened?" he wailed.

It looks like I'm going to have to deal with a lovesick Erza a little longer...


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