Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 8)

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"So..we need to get through this maze?" Natsu asked.

"Yep!" Mira Jane said.

"I'm all ready!" Levy cheered. "I won't let you down Gajeel!"

"You better not Shrimp," Gajeel said, grinning.

"Ready..set..go!" Master Makarov yelled.

Immediately half of the guild ran off into the dark maze, while the other half watched from the Lacrima Screen.

Jellal, Natsu, Laxus, and Levy went down the left corridor, while the others went right.

"I'll beat that Stripper!" Natsu muttered. "I'll beat all of you!"

They continued, running as fast as possible, hoping to outrun the other. Eventually Jellal and Laxus ran down the left path, and Levy and Natsu went down the right path.

"This seems too easy," Laxus whispered. "Knowing Mira, she's planned some sort of trap up ahead."

"Like that tree root?" Jellal asked, shoving Laxus over the hidden root.


A net swooped down and scooped the electric mage up, carrying him up to the tree.

"FERNANDES!" he yelled.

"Sorry Laxus," Jellal chuckled, running past the tree.

I can't lose this race..I have to do this for Erza!

"Hey Jelly-kun!" Meredy greeted, running past Jellal.

"Meredy? Your racing? Who are you racing with?" Jellal asked, surprised.

"Ul, obviously," Meredy said, rolling her eyes. "And you're racing with Erza, right?"


"Hey, Jellal.." Meredy whispered. "About Lyon.."

"Bye!" he said, waving and running past her.

"Jellal!" she yelled.

Wait..what is that? A..barrel?

I gasped once I realized that the giant barrel was rolling towards me. Fortunately, I managed to use Meteor to dodge to barrel. Unfortunately, another barrel was now threatening to crush me.

"Meteor!" Jellal yelled, preparing to zoom over the wooden barrel.

Why isn't my magic working? Mira...

He quickly changed directions, and ran down a blue path.

Hopefully the barrel doesn't follow me!

"Kyaa!" Jellal yelled. "What kind of barrel follows someone?"

He ran as fast as possible until he collided into Natsu.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu yelled, turning to Jellal.

"What the- Natsu! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" he shouted.

At least he destroyed the barrel!

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were Gray," Natsu said, extinguishing his flames. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you!"


Jellal quickly dodged passed him and continued running.

"Oi! Jellal! I thought you were S Class! Come fight me!" Natsu complained.

I'm an idiot! I could have used Meteor to fly up and take a look at the complete maze!

"Of course you are! You just noticed?" Erza laughed.


"Duh! Who do you think I am? Lahar?" Erza teased. "Follow the pink path, I'm pretty sure that's the way out."

Talking telepathically..Isn't that cheating?

"It wasn't in the rules!" Erza said. "Now hurry up and win! I need to break the connection in case Warren picks it up."

I thought you weren't cheating!

"I'm not! Now go and win!" Erza whispered.

I ran down the blue corridor and passed Laxus and Natsu, who were in an intense battle.

Laxus knocked Natsu to the ground and glared at Jellal, "I am so going to beat you up after this, Myst."

"If you say so.." He said with a smirk.

Turn right..Here it is! The pink path!

"Finally!" he sighed. Jellal walked down the pink path, relieved to have finally found the way out the maze.

I'm gonna win this!

"So, you and Erza used your telepathy link again?" Meredy asked, from behind me.

"H-how did you get here?" Jellal asked.

"Ultear and I used our telepathy link," Meredy said, shrugging her shoulders. "She told me which path I had to take."

"You guys have a telepathy link?" he blurted out.

"Yeah, from when we were part of Crime Sorciere, remember? Ul and I don't have a natural link like you and Erza, but we still have one." Meredy said. "It took a lot of practice though."


Meredy giggled, "See ya later, Jelly-kun!"


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