Birthday Surprise (PT 8)

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"Did you get me a birthday present?" Erza asked, her eyes glimmering with excitement.

Now what? I can't give her a lump of charcoal! Propose? No, she's only 20, too early! Ask her out? Maybe...No! What am I thinking! I-

"Jellal? You're giving me headache!" Erza whispered in his ear.

"Sorry.." he began. "Wait, how-"

"That connection we had on Tenrou Island, it's seems to be happening again..." said a blushing Erza.

Great! She heard my thoughts! How embarassing!

Jellal blushed, hoping she was kidding, which of course she wasn't.

"Ummm... Willyoubemygirlfriendandgooutwithme?"Jellal asked, as quickly as possible.

Is that how you even ask someone out? How am I supposed to know?

Thankfully Erza and Mira Jane both understood, although the rest of the guild exchanged confused looks. 

Seconds passed, thought to Jellal it felt like hours. His face was burning and he stared at the ground. "It's okay if-"

"Yes, Jellal Fernandes, I will go out with you," Erza said, with a huge smile on her face. He swore there were even a couple of tears in her eyes, but pretended not to notice in fear of facing the wrath of Titania.

Erza ran up to him, knocking him down to the ground. Their faces got closer and closer...

"Wait!" Erza said backing away from him. "You are Jellal right? Not Siegrain, Mystogan, or Mira Jane in disguise right?"

"Of course not!" Jellal said, disappointed for the loss of his first kiss.

"What about your fiancee?" Erza asked teasingly.

Jellal smiled as they leaned in, their lips meeting. The guild cheered and whistled, while Lucy and Levy were trying to hold up a fainted Mira Jane. 

All of Fiore can probably hear. But I don't care..My dream has come true.

"My little Erza is all grown up!" Master cried.

"That wasn't your real birthday gift, was it," Erza asked after their kiss ended.

"No.." Jellal replied hoping she wouldn't ask to see his real gift.

"Can I see it?"she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Sure..But don't laugh! Jellal insisted.

Jellal shoved the plate of 'cake' into Erza's arms and stepped back. Erza bit her lip, trying hard not to laugh. "What did the poor cake do to you?"

"Well Natsu, kind of-" he began.

"Nothing! It was nothing!" Natsu said, covering Jellal's mouth, a look of panic on his face.

Erza narrowed her eyes. "Jellal! Shall we plan our date?"

"Yeah! Go do that! I did nothing wrong! Don't worry Stri- I mean Gray and I won't fight!"

Erza took Jellal's hand and the two walked together back to the her dormitiory


Hey Minna!
Tommorrow is Valentines Day! Expect a Valentines Day update with a little bit of Gale, Nalu, and Gruvia!


-- TheFairyHunter

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