Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 10)

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"Welcome! To part 3 out of 4, of the race!" Master announced.

"Mystogan," Laxus whispered.


"When are you going to propose?"


"Yeah, I said propose. Do you need me to say it louder?" Laxus asked.


"That's what I thought," he scoffed. Laxus looked up and whispered casually, "Mira and I are engaged."

"WHAT!?" Jellal yelled.

"Shhh," Laxus whispered. "Not so loud, we haven't announced it to the guild yet!"

"Does Master know?" he asked.

"Gramps? Yeah, he knows. Anyway, as I was saying, Erza and Mira are the same age, so maybe you should propose to her, like I did with Mira."

"Maybe," he mumbled.

Laxus patted his shoulder, "Well make your decision quick. You're not getting any younger."

"Jellal!" Erza exclaimed. "There you are! Put the handcuffs on again!"

Laxus grinned and walked away.

"Not the handcuffs again," Jellal sighed, putting one of the cuffs on his left wrist.

"I hope I don't go...crazy again," she muttered, staring at the ground with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," he said.

"You're task is to retrieve a clay tablet," Mira Jane said over the chaos of the guild. "You will pull a name out of a hat. Whatever name you get, is the city in which the tablet is located."

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu roared, running up to the hat and pulling a paper out. "It says.."

"Clover Town!" Lucy groaned. "Clover Town is so old.."

"But its small!" Natsu said. "Which makes it easier to find the clay tablet!"

"Wow, Natsu. You actually used your brain for once!" Gray said.

"Juvia agrees!" Juvia added.

"Shut up Ice Princess!" Natsu yelled.

"C'mon Natsu. Let's go wait at the starting line!" Lucy said, dragging him to the checkered line.

Bisca walked up to the hat and stuck her hand in. "Shirotsume Town!"

"Nice pick, Bisca," Alzack whispered.

"Yay!" Asuka cheered. "You can do it mommy and daddy!"

"Make sure to watch Asuka carefully!" Bisca warned Pantherlily.

Lily nodded, "I'll do my best!" The exceed turned to Gajeel. "Good luck!"


"You can pick," Jellal whispered, nodding Erza towards Mira.

Erza walked to the front and plunged her hand into the velvet hat.

"Crocus," she announced unhappily.

"Is something wrong with that place?" he asked.

Erza paused, "No, nothing's wrong."

Mira passed the hat around and grinned evilly at Erza.

"Have fun, Erza," she whispered.


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