Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 9)

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"Sorry Erza," Jellal whispered sheepishly. "I got distracted. I shouldn't have gone easy on Meredy."

"It's fine," Erza said, smiling. "It's partly my fault."

"How?" Jellal asked.

"I knew about the barrels." Erza said, smirking. "I thought it would be pretty funny if Mira added barrels that would chase you."

"You asked Mira to.." Jellal began to say in disbelief.

"Yep!" Erza said proudly.

"Erza.." he growled playfully.

She smiled and quickly ran away, disappearing into the crowd of Fairy Tail wizards.

"That was an excellent Round 2!" Master Makarov said over the microphone. "Round 3 will take place tomorrow. Both partners will be competing!"

"Yeah! Time for me to take over!" Gajeel yelled. "Gihi!"

"I'm so sorry," whimpered Levy. "I tried hard, but Natsu kept on following me.."

"It's fine Shrimp!" Gajeel said, patting her head. "I'll beat up Salamander!"

"I heard that!" Natsu yelled, stomping up to Gajeel. Turning around he wailed,"Luce! You're supposed to defend me!"

"Umm..no thanks..I'll stay out of the fight," Lucy muttered.

"Juvia is better then Love Rival!" Juvia declared. "Juvia will always fight by Gray-sama's side!"

"All right brats!" Makarov yelled, over the uproar of the guild. "Get to sleep! You're going to have an..interesting day tomorrow!"

"Let's party!" yelled Cana.

"Yeah!" Bacchus agreed. "Drinking contest!"

"How did Bacchus get here?" Jellal whispered.

"Hide me!" Erza cried.

"Huh?" he asked worriedly.

"Miss Scarlet!" Bacchus grinned, coming up to greet the scarlet-haired mage. "You're a babe as always.."


She stared at back at Bacchus, and Jellal could tell she had the urge to punch the drunk mage.

"And your beautiful red hair compliments your beautiful-"

"IT'S SCARLET!" Jellal shouted.

"Oh?" Bacchus asked, just realizing Jellal was standing there. "And you are..Oh yes! Jellal Fernandes!"

"Baaachussss," Cana called from the corner of the inn. "Lets have a contessssst!"

"Coming!" he said, winking at the shocked Erza, and the angry Jellal.

"Someone's jealous," Erza remarked, giving a sly grin.

"I am not!" he protested.

She stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Now all you have to do is scare away Ichiya. Wait till you see him!"

"Ichiya? From Blue Pegasus?" Jellal asked in surprise

Erza shook her head, "He's even more annoying then Bacchus. Now that I think of it, Bacchus and I haven't found out who is stronger yet.."

"That's going to be on scary battle!" Lucy exclaimed.

"That? No way!" Natsu interrupted. "The one where Erza battled Edo Erza was terrifying!"

"Edo Erza?" Jellal asked. "Two Erza's?"

"Yeah, but you can't have both, Myst," Laxus said.

"I don't need another Erza," Jellal retorted. "One is enough!"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Erza asked, nudging him.

"Trust me, that other Erza is 21,000 times scarier then our Erza!" Gray said. 

"I'll show you how much scarier I am then her!" Erza yelled.

"N-no thanks!" Gray stammered.

"You want to know who was scarier then Edo Erza?" Natsu asked, turning to Jellal. "Lucy Ashley!"

"Aye sir!" Happy said. "Scary Lucy..is really scary!"

"Brats!" Makarov yelled. "I said GO TO BED!"


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